Submitted by Prexal t3_113zof2 in headphones

Edit: So I don't know what changed, but after using the headphones for some more (~15 hours) the sound changed. The highs are more noticable now. I don't know if it's a placebo or if the headphones needed some kind of "break in" period, but the issue has resolved itself.

Hello.I just received my DT 990s and I'm somehow confused. I've been testing and comparing them with my prior "headphones" (HyperX Cloud 2) and they sound way different than expected.The bass is leagues better, that's out of question, but the highs seem dull and not as pronounced as my previous ones.

When comparing a scene from a movie (John Wick 2) for example, the shooting and reloading sequences are much more dull and quieter (?) than my headset. (Link to video / 0:25 - 0:47).

Sound clarity has improved aswell, being able to differentiate singular instruments with ease, but the overall sound has some kind of small effect that makes it sound like you are underwater almost.

I do know that the DT 990s are focused on delivering better / stronger bass but I didnt think that the highs would underperform, especially after reading about the "beyer highs" in some forum posts.

Would the 880s eliminate the lack of highs or can you recommend any other headphones in that price range? Thank you



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[deleted] t1_j8td92q wrote



Have you adjusted the volume between the two? Because if you use the same volume settings for the 990 as for the hyper x the former will be quieter because it is less efficient.

If that aint it, I don't know what is.

The 990 has EAR PIERCING treble.


Muttywango t1_j8tiyo2 wrote

DT990 don't have enough high end. Are you a bat?


Prexal OP t1_j8top2t wrote

I‘ve adjusted the volume accordingly and even tweaked the Equalizer but to no avail. I connected the 990s to my phone aswell and watched some movie clips on there, but the same deal… perhaps the headphones are faulty, because I too cannot believe it


KingBasten t1_j8vibqd wrote

I think what you're describing is the recessed midrange, when you're talking about the dull thuds from guns sounding drowned out, or the mechanical reloading sounds. Could be wrong though.


chrews t1_j8wh5y4 wrote

I don’t know if it’s manufacturing variation but my DT990s also don’t have super sharp or „ear piercing“ treble and I’m pretty treble sensitive due to my tinnitus. Other headphones make me wince, especially Hifimans seem to consistently pierce my ear drums.

My DT990s are definitely treble forward tho, no question about that.


TiffanLeeway t1_j8xqt6v wrote

DT990 emphasizes the bass and treble too much that it makes the whole midrange (where most instruments, foley, voices, etc are) feel distant and hollow sounding. It's not a balanced sound. That was my experience with them.

The DT880 is more balanced but also has a similar flavour of sound since it uses the same driver. I still have mine but I've slightly dulled the treble with a disc of felt to bring out the high mids more, they're pretty great now.

If you want a balanced mid/treble I would maybe look into getting something like that, or the Sennheiser HD560S or AKG K612, but if you want a bit more bass like the DT990 then I recall the Shure SRH440A and AKG K245 having that.


CyanideLovesong t1_j8xsgzf wrote

Hmm. I have the DT-990 Pro 250 ohms. I compared the frequency profiles in Sonarworks SoundID Reference and according to their readings, the 990 32ohm has an even more extreme treble spike.

I like these headphones but I had to do a mod where I inserted 1 layer of felt and 2.5 layers of Bounty paper towel. The result is incredible. Taming the highs allows the bass to come through clearly and they're great.

Did you buy your 32 ohms used? And high frequencies can have a different meaning. My 990 250ohms spike around 9-10khz pretty sharply, but it sounds neutral-ish up to that point.

For comparison, my MDR-7506s have peaks 3-5khz and then another lesser so up around 9-10khz. So in some ways the 7506s sound brighter than the 990s.

So if you're thinking of 5-6k as high frequencies, that might explain why it's lower than you expected. These headphones get weird higher up than that, I think.


kave2 t1_j8yo1z2 wrote

I have DT990 edition 32 ohm too. Using them with Fiio KA1. Just watched that scene, and it doesn't sound dull whatsoever.

I have purchased 32ohm version specifically so I don't have to get dac/amp however I found them very quiet with my phone. Its better with KA1 but still not great. Barely any headroom with volume.


AyeYoYoYO t1_j91xkdq wrote

The best DT990 =

Chrome edition 600ohm

That said, the pair you have may have an extra filter disc installed to damp highs.