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LArule19 t1_j9ap8c1 wrote

I've had the chance to listen to many speakers system, some that cost more than my net worth, in a treated room. But a lot of times I still find myself enjoy the music from my headphones more. I feel like they are more personal, intimate, and engaging.

All I'm saying is that speakers isn't some holy grail that headphones can never touch. They are just different listening medium that provide different experiences.


[deleted] t1_j9ar9f8 wrote

No one has ever argued that headphones cannot be prefered over speakers.

My point was simply that a headphones "soundstage" is incomparable to speakers.

It therfore irks me, when people compare the "soundstage" of headphones to speakers, because that comparison can only be made by someone who does not know better.


radrod69 t1_j9b00hq wrote

I was just here to echo this sentiment. I've never really been impressed by speaker soundstage, or speaker anything to be frank (at least in comparison to headphones); even listening to a 90k Vandersteen system in a perfectly treated and measured room was underwhelming right after the LCD-5.

That being said, I'll agree with cunt - they're two different experiences and for the most part incomparable, but who is out here comparing the two? lol