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Muggaraffin t1_j9u8qh7 wrote

So your ATH don’t support a wired connection? Do they have a 3.5 jack on them? If not I’m guessing they have a usb-c for charging? Wondering if you can use that for audio


MadeAcc4SamHarrisAMA t1_j9uidyr wrote

Hi mam thanks for the reply. Hm maybe I wasn't that clear. Call it sleep deprived with 2 kids I don't know but what i meant to say was. I can not use headphones with a cable. It has to be wireless. It is way to impractical since I can't sit down stationary style during the day and night. So a more pronounced question wouæe be, is there some nifty workaround where I can keep the headphones so they somehow can receive sound from the headphone, or is that just total bollocks. Hope that clarifies some stuff. If not let me know.


Muggaraffin t1_j9ur07h wrote

Ahh okay. I just looked and unfortunately that headphones has a cable into each cup doesn’t it. I’m guessing you don’t want to have the cable wrapped around your neck and plugged into a Bluetooth adapter. So it may be worth seeing if they make a shorter cable for that headphone, and then you could buy a Bluetooth adapter/dongle that you’d plug the cable into


MadeAcc4SamHarrisAMA t1_j9uugaw wrote

Holy macaroni all those spelling mistakes. I apologize. I'm glad you got the jist of it. That is a solution you have there and yeah you did guess right. I like to jam out with my music while I go around and do stuff A LOT so a cable just seems like a matter of time before it turns into a noose that will turn my head blue if I'm not careful haha. But thanks man I'll think about it.