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Nazamroth t1_j6h9z4i wrote

How the hell can flies evade a sonic slap, but a casually closing trap is deadly,,,,


Shadowwynd t1_j6hk1ig wrote

Flies react to fast movement. The Venus Flytrap closes slowly enough (at first) that the fly does not have an “I’m in danger” thought until the fingers are interlaced. By the time it’s aware of danger it is far too late. The red part exudes a slightly sticky bait - it helps lure prey in but also hurts their fast takeoff ability.

If you are very patient and move very slowly, you can also sneak up on a fly.


HappyLittleLongUserN t1_j6ijp70 wrote

To add to that a fly swatter(?) works wonders since it doesn't create wind which would warn the fly of incoming danger.


GR3AC t1_j6kdq44 wrote

Plus the 2-3 little hairs that they have in the mouth (more towards the center) they act like a detectors, if they get touched about 0 to 3 times, the plant thinks its probably some leaf or dirt speck or something nothing alive/good to eat, but if it detects 3 or more touches it starts closing its "mouth", then again when it closes it waits a little bit for movement/resistance to confirm that it caught something alive so no jasmonic acid which it uses for braking down food is wasted


blackdynomitesnewbag t1_j6iugvr wrote

Hands create and air pressure wave that flies can detect long before your hand gets there. That’s why fly swatters have holes