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LostMySenses t1_j4ctcvt wrote

According to IMDb he would have been 15 when it was released. This clip is super gross, man, I wonder how weirded out a 26 year old Jessica Alba felt doing it (Christ she better have felt weird, he was a literal child)


thethunder92 t1_j4d8kjv wrote

If this happened not me at age 15 I would have came my pants right there

Stuff like that sticks with you, I remember in high school this cute girl was leaning over my desk and caught me looking at her cleavage and smiled and that stayed with me forever 😵


igotagoodfeeling t1_j4dbk70 wrote

I like to think there’s a hand double below the shot of a man of legal age receiving. Because it would be hilarious


-Mr_Rogers_II t1_j4efkuy wrote

Oh no, now you have me tricked into thinking this is fact because I’m over analyzing the position of his arm.


Raincoats_George t1_j5jmxos wrote

Stuff like this was tolerated a bit more. Theres a lot of 'teenage boy kind of gets the adult hot female' tropes that was just seen as funny vs now where it's seen as gross.

If you think this is bad don't go see the professional. Even for the time it had people uncomfortable which is saying something.


[deleted] t1_j4dbkwk wrote



LostMySenses t1_j4dc294 wrote

Yeah. And if they’d fucked you, that would be an adult fucking a child. Nasty.