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pblokhout t1_j1pokc4 wrote

Fun fact, cats have a special place in Islam. They are (one of?) the only animals considered clean enough to be conspired suitable as pets (in the house).

Even better, they are seen as clean as people are after they do the ritual washing before prayer.

Probably different views on this per region, but in any case, Muhammad was a big fan of cats. He wouldn't even shoo them away during prayer.

I think some local folklores even say that cats are the witnesses of God. They will whisper your deeds in God's ears at your moment of judgment.

Not religious myself, but I found this interesting when I found out.


[deleted] t1_j1q952h wrote



Mr_Zaroc t1_j1r2kql wrote

My cat is ao trusting now I can pick him up while he sleeps, move him to the next room and he will continue to sleep as if nothing ever happened

But dear god, if you don't let him outside at point 5am he will scream bloody murder


Mindofthequill t1_j1prvvz wrote

Cats seem really popular among a ton of different cultures. Very cool.


ramizod t1_j1q36yt wrote

im muslim and this is definitely true, i dont know about others but i am obsessed with cats lol


mjkjg2 t1_j1rvnxw wrote

I’m not religious but I love cats and I’m a big fan of religions idolizing them if it means they get better treatment