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Trickery1688 t1_iw99vwv wrote

Same shit happened to me riding my bike. My hoodie drawstring jumped up hitting a bump and tickled my neck, and I thought it was a spider, nearly wiped out.

Laughed my ass off for the next 5 minutes riding at how stupid I was.


aubiquitoususername t1_iwallp4 wrote

Yyoooo, let me tell you. I never knew my butt-cheeks could hold me on my motorcycle until I noticed a spider crawling across my visor. At 60mph. At it wasn’t getting blown away. Which means it was inside thE HelMeTTttargghhglbargl!!


Loafman15 t1_iwamx49 wrote

I’d throw myself into a tree just to make sure the spider died at that point


Roggvir t1_iwb5w2m wrote

A spider will survive speedy crashes better than you would due to low weight.


Loafman15 t1_iwb6ngd wrote

Not if my entire body weight gets thrown against it at mach jesus


RixirF t1_iwasekd wrote

That last realization would've made me shit my pants.

It would take the spider from a nuisance and "huh, dude's hanging on, crazy" to what you just described--the ramblings of a man having a cerebral occlusion as he realizes the spider is inside.


Omegamanthethird t1_iwanj4o wrote

There was a brown orb weaver (fairly large spider) crawling on me while I was driving. I panicked for a few seconds and then had to remind myself that it may be bigger than a half dollar, but it's not actually dangerous. Crashing however, is dangerous.

I couldn't find where it went when I pulled over to get it out of my car.