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WildMikeGreen38 OP t1_iqqy4tm wrote

By the way, this was at a Purdue vs Minnesota game.


[deleted] t1_iqr61pu wrote

oop he probably got a free tub of top of the tater over at kwik trip for this


DJ__Hanzel t1_iqrni92 wrote

Read this in the thickest minnesotan accent I could muster.


Zhuul t1_iqsopt4 wrote

I read it in Maisie Lynn's "midwestern dirty talk" voice, even though she's from Wisconsin.


RaHekki t1_iqt97kd wrote

That's my default Midwestern voice in my head now lol


viva_la_vixie t1_iqt8pxp wrote

I used to eat ranch Doritos with top the tater. Ahhhhh brings me back.


Kod_Rick t1_iqr0m5w wrote

This is just hate for hates sake because Purdue is in Indiana, like Notre Dame.


jizz_bismarck t1_iqqzcsq wrote

Is that Jerry Gergich?


curbstomp4jesus t1_iqrnwkg wrote

From Iowa, can confirm I hate this state as well. Thanks Kim Reynolds/Trumpturds


buzzzzz1 t1_iqtlzw0 wrote



curbstomp4jesus t1_iqtovxq wrote

I’m a farmer not really an option unfortunately. Would love to sell the land but it’s locked up in a trust.


ThePhoneBook t1_iqzlupw wrote

How long does that trust last? It's funny how governments immediately make certain taxes and make sure it's possible to avoid them, but only with a weird hoop jumping ritual. It's like it's a favour to lawyers and the people who can afford them


Upstairs-Farmer t1_iqv2h37 wrote

Ah Iowa, With the government doesn’t give a shit about you unless you know how to hide your land in tax breaks


bobbarkir t1_is948pj wrote

Family and jobs can cause a person to compromise. In no way does that prohibit a reasonably presented statement of disdain towards a few cons.


TheRealGlamdamnit t1_iqr8eck wrote

I know this is a sports thing, but I would honestly never know if Iowa got nuked off the map.


bobbarkir t1_iqsbjo2 wrote

This statement indicates you don't eat pork or corn.


Pinkislife3 t1_iqt527a wrote

I eat jelly beans but you think I know how the fuck those things get conjured?


Firestone117 t1_iqurcz0 wrote

I eat pork and corn, both come from local farms in Ohio.


cubicApoc t1_iquoqf6 wrote

i wouldn't know either, what with the whole "being nuked off the map" thing


AJL2332 t1_iqt7fgw wrote

Friendly reminder that MN last conference championship was a split with Indiana in 1967. 7 consecutive Ls to Iowa.


OnionMiasma t1_iquuu9m wrote

And that's particularly embarrassing because at best Iowa is mediocre.


AJL2332 t1_iqvkwb0 wrote

To continue then, Iowa has won 10+ games in 7 of the past 20 seasons and has finished ranked in the top 10 in 5 of those. That is 1/4 seasons. Also did so multiple times in the 80s-90s. Minnesota has achieved 2 seasons of that quality in the same period, and has finished top 10 a single time since 1960 (exactly 10th in 2019).


bbrasseaux76 t1_iqt7qig wrote

I need context.

Those are Minnesota fans at a game vs Purdue, which is in Indiana, not Iowa.

What am I missing?


Meany_Vizzini t1_iqthga2 wrote

It doesn’t matter who they’re playing. They still hate Iowa.


bbrasseaux76 t1_iqthrfb wrote

So it's like an LSU v UGA game where everyone has a "fk Bama" flag. I get that.

Geaux Tigers!


Meany_Vizzini t1_iqticwh wrote

Yep, Minnesota and Iowa are two vertices on the Quadrangle of Hate. (The other two are Wisconsin and Nebraska, but everyone has their own anti-preferences)


Deez_Pucks t1_iqtttil wrote

Gophers fan here. The “Who hates Iowa? WE hate Iowa!” chant gets used anytime, anywhere. We just really hate Iowa (but not more than we hate Wisconsin).


Palumbo_STN t1_iqtwu2y wrote

Former Iowa state student here. ISU people chant it too 🤷‍♂️


Mofongo_MayoKetchup t1_iqvdqa7 wrote

I can confirm. In fact at the end someone usually goes "and God hates Wisconsin".


Dont_give_a_schist t1_iqtl1av wrote

I’m guessing it’s because Iowa has beaten Minnesota every year since 2015 (I think?) and they’re salty about it.


tholder245 t1_iqu17r4 wrote

Nah, it’s a running joke in the Great Plains/Midwest to hate Iowa.


skip6235 t1_iquayy7 wrote

Nah, we chanted it at every game back when I was in school there in 2013


Dont_give_a_schist t1_iqw234p wrote

Really? That's hilarious (Hawkeye here). We never had issues with Minnesota I think, but Illinois on the other hand. . .


MikeMcAwesome91 t1_iqtahe0 wrote

I guess the guy thought Purdue was in Iowa? I'm also confused.


biggrant101 t1_iqtezy5 wrote

Iowa is one of their rivals they play every year.


theveryrealreal t1_iqspzp1 wrote

At first I thought it was like a rhetorical question. Like who has strong feelings about iowa? Seems like such an innocuous place.


SammyTwoTooth t1_iqt8vu5 wrote

I hate it. Then again I'm stucking living in it.


Rebresker t1_iqu5ync wrote

Haha I rode out most of the pandemic in rural iowa…

I live in rural NC like my backyard is 10 acres mostly leased out to a company that grows sod atm. However, at least my town has a couple of gas stations, a grocery store, and a dollar general…

Fucking go to a rural town in Iowa, there is a post office, gas station is 30 minutes away, have to walk to the end of the road to get cell service….

Jesus I spent 6 months working in Gnome Alaska and somehow Iowa was worse


PendulumEffect t1_iqun53r wrote

I traveled Iowa for a bit as a power line auditor before I knew what I wanted to do. I was starting to get into the wide stretches of nothingness, and rolled up on a town about 20 minutes from Carroll. The motel they had me staying at advertised dial out phones and color tv. I decided, right then, that I would hate Iowa until the day I die.

Also, my dad is from there and he’s a bastard. But I mostly blame the motel.


OnionMiasma t1_iquusct wrote

I'm really hoping this is the hotel in my hometown. Everything about it fits, and it's truly a terrible place.


ruidh t1_iqu0rqn wrote

Q: Why do all the trees in Minnesota lean south?

A: Because Iowa sucks.


braize6 t1_iqtc9hl wrote

Plot twist: He's an alumni from Nebraska


Purulent_Discharge t1_iquaysj wrote

I was thinking “maybe he’s from Nebraska?” too! I can confirm NE hates IA 😂


braize6 t1_iqwppsw wrote

No idea why either. People have asked me before what the deal is with Nebraska. I always just say that I have absolutely no idea why Nebraska is so obsessed with the Hawkeyes, because nobody in Iowa gives any shits towards Nebraska lol. It's just kinda weird


DoobsMgGoobs t1_iqt8njr wrote

Guy dances like my mom. But he wears it well.


Dizman7 t1_iqtb08r wrote

Looks like Gary from Parks & Rec 🤣


buzzzzz1 t1_iqtmt5h wrote

Lost to Purdue. Two additional things to be embarraased by.


ottos t1_iqtt9v4 wrote

Got the Slipknot though. I guess.


blyan t1_iqv5zf9 wrote

If you’re like 65 and your entire personality still revolves around the college you went to 40+ years ago, you need to get a better fucking personality


Mjanasta t1_iqv6rly wrote

From an Clinton, Iowa an Fulton, Illinois get my vote sir. And by vote I mean my shart I mean heart


gatvolkak t1_iqvaanv wrote

Sadly, the World Health Organization vendetta against Iowa continues to this day


jmsturm t1_iqr47uc wrote



Elijandou t1_iqun6pj wrote

How ridiculous to even be celebrating hatred over a football game. This speaks to the division that is treating the 🇺🇸 USA apart. These extreme positions have been normalised. There is nothing funny about him and his stupid t shirt


TerminalChaos t1_iqv6yqj wrote

Found someone who doesn’t watch college sports in USA.

It’s not a serious thing.


ROK247 t1_iqt6zmq wrote

who hates salad?


Crobiusk t1_iqs7w5v wrote

Can you imagine being a grown adult that bases their entire identity on sports teams.


Eljaynine t1_iqs8z9y wrote

Well, I can guarantee this dude is rocking white New Balance shoes. All Minnesotan adults born before 72 do. I’ll bet he can drink a dozen Nordeast pounders in a single sitting( possibly a sitting that he just rose from). He’s got a pellet smoker at home, probably in the garage next to his street glide Harley and his Lund mr. pike. His wife knits and plays cribbage. His identity is basic, but Gopher football is only a glimpse into this man’s life.


dubiux t1_iqsg7qo wrote

The Numa Numa guy grew older and apparently lives in Iowa now...

...or wherever that game is


ugmold t1_iqsopba wrote

Shameless, definitely a Republican.
