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XscapeVelocity t1_jd8d1te wrote

I think the car coming from the right just ran the light. 😳


principled_principal t1_jd908i7 wrote

The blinking you see is the red light camera bustin his ass


historynutjackson t1_jd9dgi2 wrote

They need to tone the flash of those down. It's distracting in the daytime but at night that shit is BLINDING


3-DMan t1_jd9c6ue wrote

"Man the hell with this, I've waited long enough!"


62pickup t1_jdahmj5 wrote

It's in the background behind the car and forward intersection.

Notice what side of the road that car is on.


ThatBaldFella t1_jd92ev9 wrote

Maybe the right lane is a right-turn lane.


hebrewchucknorris t1_jd9vhde wrote

The car went straight


ThatBaldFella t1_jd9xgr7 wrote

No I mean the right lane along the line of sight. It would make sense that traffic turning right would have a green light at the same time as traffic coming from the right.


ShiftSouth t1_jda2fin wrote

Maybe a yield, but a green? That's unsafe forsure


g1ngertim t1_jda5v8n wrote

Maybe the intersection is the beginning of a one-way zone.


ShiftSouth t1_jdagy4f wrote

Again, a yeild would make sense but not a green. Why would they have two directions green into the same lanes, that's so unsafe


g1ngertim t1_jdbhsmc wrote

You're not thinking of it the way I am, but I can't find a way to explain it properly without pictures, and I'm not up for drawing pictures right now.


Atillion t1_jd8hsy7 wrote

Lawless land of criminals, that dude just ran a red light..


chet_brosley t1_jdaa0lm wrote

Welcome to Virginia


leafleap t1_jdai8uj wrote

Is that why they have the most draconian traffic laws and enforcement? Holy crap.


chet_brosley t1_jdaocru wrote

Driving to work just now someone pulled around me in the shoulder to fly through a solid red light, and whipped into the left lane while still in the intersection. I wait at least three seconds after it's green before I even start to go nowadays.


yepimbonez t1_jdd920k wrote

And probably get honked at 47 times in those 3 seconds lol


v78 OP t1_jd83htv wrote

Hi all! This pixel art animation is 320x200px using 10 colors and 80 hand drawn frames. I doubled the resolution for viewing purposes. If it wasn't for those 4 green pixels it would be 9 colors :D Hope you enjoy it <3

If you like this type of art and want to support me, please feel free to check my other works:

Steam WallPaper Engine collection | Patreon | Foundation | Twitter | Tumblr | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn


Creative_Warning_481 t1_jdacasf wrote

Why is there both a red and green light for the stopped car?


DelusionalSeaCow t1_jdb3apy wrote

It's a DC intersection, there's two intersections I know of where both directions lights face the same way.


Creative_Warning_481 t1_jdbbrzv wrote

Why choose a confusing (only two known) for a generic pixel art. Just looks wrong. And what's the flashing spots thing?


2TauntU t1_jd8j0dt wrote

Love it. How does a 320x200px image work as wallpaper in the case of the steam wallpaper engine?


Cat_Marshal t1_jdatyhg wrote

It would probably look bad unless it scaled the pixels properly. Pixel art can scale fine.


-bsnyde- t1_jd8lxq3 wrote

these are fantastic, people in r/UnixPorn would eat this up if you had these in 16:9


compsciasaur t1_jd8ueq0 wrote

How many bytes is the small version? Curious from a data compression view.


Hokenlord t1_jd8n2a1 wrote



GitchigumiMiguel74 t1_jd8a7ik wrote

I saw another one of these recently. Why are they so relaxing to look at?


adarkuccio t1_jd8axda wrote

I love pixel art animations like this, you're right they make me feel relaxed and cozy, it's a magical atmosphere.


MississippiJoel t1_jd8qvkz wrote

I found my way to this sub from r/cyberpunk for exactly this reason, because posts like this are some of my favorites.

Search for "pixel" in that sub, and sort by top all time. You're welcome.

Edit: Didn't even realize i was in r/gifs ! I thought I was commenting in r/PixelArt . Check that one out too!


smoke4sanity t1_jdb5kea wrote

I get the same soothing feeling. Its like that Pre dusk sunlight. Soothing and calm. That moment when work is done, the night hasn't begun, and just for that 20-30 minutes, you can just do absolutely nothing but listen to the sounds of the world going be.


animado t1_jd90djv wrote

Serious question... Can someone explain why the formula for these posts always includes the number of colors used? Is that critical information for the title?


ChunkyLaFunga t1_jd9bmp0 wrote

The original intent of pixel art was to create as much as possible with limited resources, it was a necessity due to technology restrictions at the time.

That intent has been flipped on its head with modern retro art, which uses capable technology to limit expression. There's nothing wrong with that in itself, but it usually misses the point as detail perishes in modern styles while it flourishes in the original. And it doesn't really work, or at least fails in what it initiatives.

This example and I think others I've seen by this artist are great demonstrations of the style by somebody who gets it.

The number of colours used highlights that, and colours/file sizes/memory resources etc were also part of the original reason that pixel art existed.

Edit: Just noticed we're in the GIFs subreddit, colour count directly linked to filesize and in the early days of animated GIFs on the internet it mattered a lot.


__O_o_______ t1_jd96vxt wrote

Makes it sound more impressive to increase engagement?

Like the classic, "I woke up at 2 am and hiked 4000 miles just to take this photograph"


GeroVeritas t1_jd8rwkw wrote

I'm confused. The cars are passing behind the car at the light, so that car is on the wrong side of the road. But also why would there be a green light if cross traffic is allowed to go?


Ohd34ryme t1_jd8x6mt wrote

Some countries drive on the other side of the road.


GeroVeritas t1_jd94sd3 wrote

And so there is no need for a green light to show that side of the


PinkSlipstitch t1_jday24e wrote

That car is clearly on the right hand side of the road, stopped at the light, yet the other car passes behind it.


SellsNothing t1_jd993am wrote

hits blunt

It's a metaphor for how when you're at a crossroads in life, nothing tends to make sense


Prestigious-Salt-115 t1_jd9slfi wrote

What's this trend of titles that sound like an AI describing what it did? "I did X and called it Y." Feels weird.


Salanin t1_jd8o19s wrote

Really great work. Love "when" and "glasera" its amazing you do so much with so little(color palette).


v78 OP t1_jd8phmy wrote

Thank you so much!


Salanin t1_jd8qdzd wrote

Np, I remembered seeing one of your submissions awhile back because of your title format that lists the number of colors. Really impressive stuff. It kind of reminds me of watercolor, which i think of as really accessible and anyone can try, but there is so much skill and nuance to perfecting it. And you are really perfecting your art.


v78 OP t1_jd8vm72 wrote

Thanks again for the kind words. Watercolor is the hardest for me. I am always impressed when I see the process. I personally have more control over oil colors.


Dirtycurta t1_jd9sxlx wrote

See you at tha crossroads.


tang0008 t1_jd8kx6u wrote

so you won't be lonely


MrStealYoGear t1_jd8kyev wrote

Add some slow music to this put it on repeat and you’re golden. I’d watch it nonstop.


PonyAnyS2 t1_jd8x829 wrote

Support you upload it on the wallpaper enginer so I can use it, because the vibe that this art passes is simply inexplicable, amazing!


estrangedd t1_jd923ku wrote

Beautiful :) how to you make? Software?


TheBossMan5000 t1_jdb37b0 wrote

I'll always upvote your posts, Fuck CBS!


SashaVestra t1_jdb4x7u wrote



Kujo17 t1_jd8c6l7 wrote

Love this. Would be awesome to see one similar but with a U.S "Small Town Main Street" esque buildings. Same colors/angle though lol I suppose I could try my hand at one but I doubt I have the talent haha this reminds me of a view I used to see so often growing up right when the sun sets JUST behind the horizon, and the whole downtown was lit up orange.

. beautiful!


tomc11011 t1_jd8cohn wrote

I like this, well done!!


Biovirulent t1_jd8fsdo wrote

The shimmering of the sun on the pole is just CHEFS KISS


MyLifeIsAFacade t1_jd9t5nk wrote

but it doesn't make any sense considering both the sun and pole are relatively static objects. The shimmering should be constant and then never seen again once the sun moves.


Biovirulent t1_jda2f6m wrote

Simulated camera/eye movement and/or the wind on the pole


-Delirium-- t1_jda84cm wrote

I actually wish those types of details weren't included in these, because they make the loop really obvious.


Despageta t1_jd8ivny wrote

Thought it was sniper glint for a second. I need to lay off the COD…


crbatte t1_jd8iljg wrote

Looks like Kansas City.


Internet_Responsible t1_jd90foh wrote

This is beautiful! Crazy what is possible with just 10 colours..


razin_the_furious t1_jd93li6 wrote

This looks like the recently released video game:

Mood, and the seven seals of darkness


uniqueMarie92 t1_jd93occ wrote

Anyone else start counting the different colors?


Red_Eye_Insomniac t1_jd95y29 wrote

Not to date myself but...

It makes me think of that old episode of "The adventures of Pete and Pete" where busdriver Stu gets stuck at the red light.


DeathRider__ t1_jd9zo2y wrote

Huh. Well I think you accomplished what every artist strives for: to convey an emotion in the viewer. I feel odd about seeing this. Like, there existed another time and world that I was apart of and now it's gone. It's just a sunset, but the style of the vehicles looks older and the time just seems a bit depressing to me.

Well done. But I'm sad for some reason now and I don't want to look at this anymore.


ammonium_bot t1_jdb9tv5 wrote

> was apart of and

Did you mean to say "a part of"?
Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion.
Total mistakes found: 4384
^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions.


shadowraiderr t1_jda0h2q wrote

The lens flare doesn't make sense tho


RandyMarsh- t1_jda2g9n wrote

Hmmm I see Red, Green, Black, Brown, White, Orange, Yellow.

What are the last 3? Is it a different shading of one of the mentioned? (like light brown or something)


Skanthis t1_jdaaohg wrote

yo, this is top-notch.


quackduck45 t1_jdad32p wrote

can you add a guy walking towards the crossroad with a violin case and have there be a dark figure there waiting for them?


fernandofig t1_jdao0qh wrote

I watched "The Quiet Earth" the other day, and this kind of reminds me of it.


type_your_name_here t1_jdaqgy9 wrote

For all the commenters saying that car was running the red light…The car stopped is facing a red. The car driving right to left has the green, which can be seen edgewise on angle.


o11c t1_jdav5sg wrote

The perspective on the cars/horizon clashes pretty strongly with the perspective of the ground in the foreground.


PinkSlipstitch t1_jdayfgw wrote

Very cool. Just a couple of contradictions:

The car is stopped at a green light, on the right hand side of the road, and the other car passes behind it, instead of in the intersection in front of it.


PragmaticParade t1_jdba1s7 wrote

When will someone make a pixel art movie with this kind of aesthetic. I feel like I haven’t seen it done before.


c4seyj0nes t1_jdbbl95 wrote

Why does the same street have a red light and a green light? I don’t think that car ran a red. I think the lights are malfunctioning.


PrysmX t1_jdbjsdn wrote

That car ran a red light.


heshmigo t1_jdbm800 wrote

Pssshhtttt selling yourself short to us nontalented, I see black, orange and red. Super cool though you should put a gif In a photo frame (so it plays the video but looks like a painting/poster) and then you can be not only talented but a millionaire


Biggoronz t1_jdbveyc wrote

beautiful piece

... but I think I need to stop playing battlefield cuz I thought I was about to get sniped


potatoes_rule t1_jdc1qu8 wrote

So how do I make this my desk top wallpaper. Imma need it on wallpaper engine! So gorgeous


hadap123 t1_jdc67wb wrote

Amazing job

How long did it take you to learn pixel art and how long did this take?


StopLurkingTakeTheL t1_jdcdcca wrote

Please add it to wallpaper engine I want this as my live Wallpaper


shane201 t1_jdcdp21 wrote

When I stepped out into the bright sunlight, from the darkness of the movie house...


Mighty_Mopars t1_jdcecy7 wrote

SOCOM: US NAVY SEALS enters chat

Nice! But not the Crossroads i was looking for.


ShwaaMan t1_jdcxprp wrote

Nice touch with the lens flare🙂


deathboyuk t1_jdnzwbs wrote

Absolutely beautiful stuff, I love it!


SiroHartmann t1_jd97ayp wrote

You should look up red scale photography. This reminds me strongly of it.

Great work. I love it.


zipzapzippydyzoom t1_jd9irs1 wrote

I don't know why but your works always make me feel nostalgic, i like them very much.


dc456 t1_jd9o4rj wrote

I really like this.

My only suggestion would be to make the cars more realistic. At the moment their cartoony ‘Jetsons’ look clashes with the realism of everything else.


FingerTheCat t1_jd9ygqc wrote

I want to learn how to do something like this, not even a video just this kind of art


SatisfactionNaive370 t1_jd9zjcf wrote

Aight now i need it in 5120x1440 and uploaded to Wallpaper Engine. Thanks.


TheRnegade t1_jd9zzsv wrote

This is absolutely fantastic and it's interesting that it's almost all done with just 9 colors (You did say that the small amount of green brings it up to 10, right OP?). Art like this belongs in a museum.


eiretara7 t1_jda0dq0 wrote

How long does it take to design and produce a scene like this? Does it take up much storage? I have zero knowledge of game design, but games made with pixel art are hands down some of my favorite games to play. I don’t know what it is about this art style but it creates such a visceral experience and atmosphere in a way that other more modern styles do not (in my opinion). I miss those point and click style adventure games.

Anyway, this is beautiful art. Thanks for sharing!


Professional_Dress32 t1_jda2ndq wrote

How, hoooww do you people make this, this so beautiful. I good at art, but I can't for the life of me make pixel art.


ArthurDied t1_jda8w4a wrote

This is freaking beautiful! Love it!