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12kdaysinthefire t1_ja0cruw wrote

Had a gf once who owned a Geo Tracker. Thing weighed nothing. On highways she’d get right up on trucks and then just let go of the wheel. The drag caused by the truck would pull her along at speed. I almost shit my pants the first time.


philpalmer2 t1_ja13ten wrote

Did this one time in when young in the eighties. Was on a Yamaha 650 two hours from home and not enough gas (or cash) to get there. We drifted tractor trailers on stretches of I-80 for a bit.

It’s amazing how the pocket inside the trucks slipstream so easily pull a bike along.

The no visibility thing is nuts. But… if staying alert bikes stop way shorter then tractor trailers if the brakes come on.

I think we still ran out of gas, tho. Lol


LordSalem t1_ja1y5zg wrote

Fun fact, 18 wheelers stop way faster than you think


Garyswansson t1_ja2uf4w wrote

Yep lots of tradition and airbrakes make a good combination


seamustheseagull t1_ja2glvr wrote

1 metre from the back of the vehicle, it doesn't matter how quickly the bike can stop. If the truck reduces speed by just 3.6km/h (approx 2mph), then you have just 1 second to notice and grab your brakes before your front wheel hits the back of the truck. If the truck really jams on, you'll hit the back of the truck before your brain has even registered that the brake lights have come on.


me1112 t1_ja2r6ek wrote

Yeah it's crazy to me that this person could believe they would react and brake instantly at less than a meter from the truck.

You'd headbutt the back of it yeah.


IfonlyIwasfunnier t1_ja46scr wrote

better not ask how many people think they could take out a bear with their fists...