Submitted by Shariq_tcb t3_10q8ms3 in gaming

I’m planning to make a 2d rpg game. Due to religious issues I cannot use any form of instrumental music in the game. How do I make the game more engaging. Without music, a game can feel very “empty”. So what do u suggest I do?



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Riovas t1_j6omlga wrote

How strict is the definition of music? If, say, the boss enemy has a rhythmic stomping pattern, it will fill in the silence, but is it music? If you had to time your attacks, like a slash, that had a slashing sound effect that fit to the stomping rhythm, is it music?

What I'm trying to say, is you can use environmental sounds to fill in the silence, but I'm not sure at what point do you consider sounds to be effects and what point do they collaborate into "music".


Shariq_tcb OP t1_j6onl3g wrote

That’s what I was planning for the normal bg. Like birds chirping and things like that. But I feel like the action scenes need spice. Are there any games that don’t use much music in action scenes?


Riovas t1_j6op909 wrote

I want to say Resident Evil and Dead Space made good use of environmental sounds (wind blowing, screech of a violin, some creepy echoing and/or wailing sounds), that definitely fill in the void. Most horror hlgames are about atmosphere, and a good one would use minimal music to not distract from the tension.

For non-horror action games, I can't think of any off the top my head. It would also really depend on the setting to know what environmental sounds would be available. Some games may use a chorus that is sung, but again not sure if a singing choir would be considered music to you.

But, I'm really interested in what you come up with, a game using only environmental sounds is intriguing.


EthanWS6 t1_j6oi8ls wrote

I'm curious, why can't you use music?


Shariq_tcb OP t1_j6oj02s wrote

I’m a practicing Muslim and listening to music is forbidden in our religion. So if I make and upload music, I’m not only getting the sin for making it but also for letting others listen to it.


DeezSaltyNuts69 t1_j6oqclo wrote

>I’m a practicing Muslim and listening to music is forbidden in our religion

Islam doesn't forbid music, that is a load of donkey poo

Maybe you're in some group that looks down on music, but don't blame the religion


EthanWS6 t1_j6ojdxq wrote

Muslims aren't allowed to listen to music? Care if I ask why?


Shariq_tcb OP t1_j6ojyb0 wrote

Nope not at all. Instruments have pagan roots which means they were created by people who worshipped devil. No to offend anyone but common festivals like Christmas and Halloween too have pagan roots. Another reason being when music is played the frequency causes us to like kind of lose our consciousness which is not allowed in Islam. Cos like you’ll forget abt the real world. So yeah that’s why it’s not allowed.


pacothebattlefly t1_j6os3w1 wrote

I’m wondering why it’s prohibited to listen to music but it’s ok to play video games? I’m assuming youve played video games as you’re creating one, and those will have music so how do you work around that?


TriggerHappyDob t1_j6oyq5s wrote

How much can you bend the rules? Can you make the game do all the testing, then just get someone else to add in the music?

I read one of your comments about Paganism too. It's not really about people that worship the devil, it's more just people that don't worship your god/gods. Could you find an instrument that originates in your country/religious group?

It's kind of a historic term too so could you maybe use Synth music, the synthesizer was invented in 1952 in the US.

If none of that works, just use world noise. Footsteps, rain, water dripping, birds etc


Joenathan2020 t1_j6p1uai wrote

Go all out on the background sounds and be creative with the use of those sounds.


justdaveisfine t1_j6oib1o wrote

Are you able to make music without instruments? Like singing or humming?


Shariq_tcb OP t1_j6oiuoo wrote

That’s what I was thinking but I’m definitely incapable. It’s a solo project. If there are any good vocal packs then I might be able to do something but still it’s not the same as instrumental music. Like for eg I can’t think of something made out of vocals only to fit in a boss fight scene ykwim?


justdaveisfine t1_j6okmj7 wrote

You may be able to keep an eye out on Fiverr or /r/INAT and see if there is a singer that may be able to accommodate that style. I'm sure someone with that skillset could probably make something interesting or engaging.


Equisapien004 t1_j6oq823 wrote

What ridiculous branch of Islam says you can't listen to music? How can you even live like that? If you have a bunch of weird religious restrictions on what you can make, just do something else. Your game isn't gonna be engaging or good if it's coming from that ideology.


Xillllix t1_j6owi7v wrote

His game would be more engaging if he worshipped the devil. He should start at the root of the problem and dump the thousands-years-old scriptures full of prejudices and illogical concepts.