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R3en t1_j6lu2ni wrote

I literally can't play it, because it is to scary for me. Tried it 3 times in the last years since release.

However I played Bioshock infinite 2 times including all dlc. I can't play resident evil my self, too. But watching someone else playing this games is OK. The last of us for example is one of my most favorite games series, but it's scary, too.

I don't know exactly the problem with Bioshock, but I can't play it. Maybe I should change something, while playing It? Idk.


DragunovDwight t1_j6oxb3q wrote

I’m older, own many firearms, been in enough fights when younger, camp solo in grizzly bear country, Have also took shrooms in them mountains solo and camped over night, done a few things that some would feel is crazy or scary, and for some reason, I can’t play a damn horror game by myself at night… lol.


AImXOo0o t1_j6m0re6 wrote

I never finished Bioshock 1 like you. Just too fucking scary. I mean. I played Resident Evil 7. This Game is also scary, but you know what you get.

But in Bioshock 1 you are walking around in a dystopia and there are Big Daddy who like to smash you.

I remember in one part of the game you entered a room and then the room started to get full of fog. I guess I started to scream lol.


mickelboy182 t1_j6m0yox wrote

How on earth did you get through RE7 and not BioShock? 😅


AImXOo0o t1_j6m19hl wrote

I can't really tell.

I mean you know what you will get, when you start RE.

But if you play Bioshock you maybe just expect some Pew Pew with Weapons.

But this whole world in Bioshock is just scary. You hear the dripping in a "canalissation". Little Steps and only got Andrew (?) via your Radio.


mickelboy182 t1_j6m1fpt wrote

Interesting. BioShock definitely has it's creepy moments but compared to RE7 it's bloody sunshine and rainbows to me 😂


Masspoint OP t1_j6n336x wrote

re7 isn't that scary if you don't believe in ghosts.
