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Bananaslamma24 t1_j6lronf wrote

So the games wasn't marketed as a survivor horror, the isn't described as one, we've explained that it doesn't have any survival features whatsoever, all logic points to it not being comparable to the survivor horror genre, you're just being willfully ignorant at this point.


Masspoint OP t1_j6lszxm wrote

It is the spiritual successor of system shock 2.

which is known to be action role playing survival horror game, and a landmark in video gaming history.

Also the reason why google lists as such.

You're right it isn't known or marketed like that, and it's also the reason why I posted it.

Because not a lot of people know about this.


Bananaslamma24 t1_j6ltadf wrote

People don't know about it because it isn't true. You're really trying as hard as you can to remain ignorant. Who are you to decide a games genre above the people who made it?


Masspoint OP t1_j6ltu90 wrote

They don't know about it because it's so long ago. I played system shock 2 back in the day and I was already in my twenties, I know the history behind it. I know the history behind the dev teams and how many of these genres originated.

You're right it isn't marketed as such, I can't debate you on that.

But system shock 2 is still known to be a survival horror game and bioshock is pretty much the successor of that game. It uses similar elements what system shock 2 was known for to create a survival horror experience.

It's also the reason why google lists is as such.


Bananaslamma24 t1_j6lus48 wrote

There's clearly no reasoning with you, you don't get to decide a games genre the people who made it do and they didn't make a survival horror game, you are just a troll.


Masspoint OP t1_j6lwn3a wrote

I don't need to decide this, you can find this on the internet.

Also no need to get agitated. You have a point, but I have a point as well.

The creators of bioshock worked on thief the dark project, which also contained survival horror elements. They continued this with system shock 2 who contained a lot more and by this was also classed as such.

But it wasn't classed as this because of the same reasons resident evil and dead space are classed as survival horror (which you refer to as resource management) it was more focussed on stealth gameplay.

A part of the dev team of looking glass studios left and created irrational games, which created bioshock.


Sea-Brother-5281 t1_j6nz5wm wrote

Lol why do you care so much if he thinks of the game as a survival horror ? Who are you to tell someone what they should think of a game ?


Bananaslamma24 t1_j6oeklu wrote

It's not a matter of opinion, it's literal facts and logic.


Sea-Brother-5281 t1_j6ohdr5 wrote

Lol ok so what are the facts and logic that determine that it isn’t a survival horror?