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Toby_The_Tumor t1_j6mfvj4 wrote

They fucking RUINED the pvz games, 1-great game, replayability, memorable jokes. 2-improved gameplay for the first stages, then it becomes a money farm, several plants are nigh impossible to get without buying, I CANT BUY SOME PLANTS FROM THE FIRST GAME, THE GREEDY BASTARDS! I will never forgive them unless pvz 3 is nothing like it looked like when it was first debuted, and the collective shitting on it received tells them to make a decent game that doesn't go from having to replay a level because it had a new gimmick to unplayable because the gimmick is overpowered, or a zombie can instantly wipe your fucking row while scratching his ass. I can not and will forgive them until the series main games are brought back to at least semi glory.


fiddlenutz t1_j6mk2ae wrote

Same with Peggle. I would love another proper Peggle. Now it’s just a mobile money farm.