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scotchfree_gaming t1_j6o0ocz wrote

I’m really surprised this hasn’t seen a remake or remaster


Independent_Plum2166 t1_j6o7vmm wrote

It had very mixed reception, so I doubt Ubisoft would risk rereleasing it. Heck, even if they did it probably end up like the Sands of Time remake.


takeitsweazy t1_j6o7x7n wrote

The 2008 reboot in this image wasn’t universally praised though, it got a more mixed reception. I don’t think most people associate Prince of Persia with this iteration.

2003’s Sands of Time though, that was a game changer. It is surprising to me that one hasn’t been brought to modern consoles in one form or another.


Schyte96 t1_j6oi81p wrote

I think this game suffered from being a big change in the series. Since Sands of Time, the core mechanic of the series way the time manipulation with the sand.

In Warrior Within and The Two Thrones it was the acrobatic combat on top of that.

This game did away with both of those mechanics, and it was mainly a platformer/puzzle. Combat in particular, one of the two main things in the series since the og 2D game took a massive back seat.


snakehippos t1_j6otdxt wrote

It suffered because less people had a Xbox 360 yet


TheLightsChampion t1_j6p8auf wrote

Forced exploration to collect seeds and the ending, completely undoing everything you worked for on top of being impossible to lose (but also trial by error puzzles) made me hate this game. The lack of sands and time powers and a different MC really did not make people tie it into the PoP franchise. They named the donkey at the start Farrah just to screw with us


kiralala7956 t1_j6ph4eu wrote

I really liked the exploration and the ending. You see, Prince never really cared for Elika's quest. He helped her for her sake. He never signed up for what she did at the end, and he was always selfish. The ending is only unsatisfying because we never had a proper sequel.

The combat was lacking though. The combo system was cool but never dying and boring enemies ruined it. I think we should have had Elika's mana reserve as a healthbar. When it runs out, she can't help, and she might even die for your sake. That would we been so good, but alas.


Raphius-kai t1_j6o6wjv wrote

Agreed, I wish they would bring more ps3 games to ps5 with remasters/remakes. This was one of my favorites!


Wonder-Lad OP t1_j6o8l8o wrote

I would die a happy man. As someone else mentioned, this met with a lukewarn response. People weren't still over The Sands of Time trilogy so a reboot rubbed them the wrong way. It's a real fucking shame cause PoP 2008 turned into a true gem that stood the test of time.

A few years later Ubi went back and decided to continue PoP with Forgotten Sands that seemed to directly follow after the first Sands of Time game in an alternate universe type of way. That one tanked pretty bad too...


Mindspace_Explorer t1_j6ohydw wrote

I liked PoP 2008 but the platforming sequence felt more mechanical than the other games. Felt like many traversal segments were just a sequence of buttons to press in the right order and the required timing was extremely loose.