Submitted by Tokes_ACK t3_10pdevy in gaming

I have all the Nathan Drake games, but I just can't get into them. The story is interesting so far, although I'm only about 8 hours into the first game. But that's the only thing I have enjoyed so far.

So much of the game just feels janky. The shooting mechanics are not very good, you can shoot straight through solid objects as long as you can see around it, and enemies occasionally will too. Blind-fire and hip-fire are pretty much useless, and there's no way to turn off the brutal aim acceleration.

The cover system is horrible with your character popping up from cover to aim even if you're not trying to shoot over or around your cover. The combat kinda just feels like a chore, and there's soooo much combat.

The fixed camera angles while platforming don't translate well to the controller a lot of the time, for instance, the next handhold will be directly to my left or right, but pushing in that direction makes Nate move in an unexpected one. I had to look down at my joystick once because I clearly needed to jump to my left, but I had to hold the joystick almost entirely downward.

Do any of these mechanics get better in the later games? I would like to play through to experience the story, but so far, the game just feels the opposite of fun for me. Which sucks because I know there are some great moments through out the series.



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Lachdonin t1_j6jqvwc wrote

Mechanically, like all Naughty Dog games, they're just kinda... eh?

Some of the better writing in games, but Naughty Dog hasn't made a good game, gameplay wise, since Crash.


imjustamazing t1_j6js2nh wrote

The first game is a notoriously average. The series doesn't really hit its stride until the 2nd. It's my personal favorite, but people like 3 and 4 a lot too.


animebuttholesniffer t1_j6js9v4 wrote

i hate these games. boring cover shooting mechanics with such ridiculous hordes of enemies every fight feel very dragged out, big spectacle set piece moments which are impressive but you barely have any control over and terribly boring climbing scenes where you just slowly climb and can't fail


Tokes_ACK OP t1_j6jt8ny wrote

I can't recall having any of these issues in TLOU, but it's been a long time since the first. I definitely did not have any of these issues in TLOU2.

Some of the animations got a bit janky when I really started pushing the game, like switching directions mid-mantle or taking down enemies in certain situations, but overall, it felt pretty smooth.

Terrain is taken into consideration while firing weapons, with them launching actual projectiles instead of just registering the damage wherever you were aiming. Terrain can also block you from aiming your weapons if there is not enough room.

The platforming is still a bit rough sometimes, but being in control of the camera in most cases makes the controls pretty intuitive. I probably had maybe 10 deaths in my whole playthrough from falling, and at least a few of those were me just being a dumbass and thinking I could go somewhere I couldn't.

I honestly really enjoyed how TLOU2 felt, mechanically.


Dreaming_Dreams t1_j6jts7x wrote

boring game with the exact same story over and over, shooting is alright i guess, the climbing is so damn boring and they make that a big part of the games


PioneerRaptor t1_j6jtxsv wrote

I had the same complaints when I played the first three last year. I really enjoyed the story for the most part, but the gameplay was subpar, especially the gunplay and climbing. The climbing improves for sure and while the gunplay does, I still don’t think it was ever good for me.

Told my friend this and he thought I was crazy, lol.


RyanGoFett-24 t1_j6jv1o8 wrote

By the time TLOU released, ND had three Uncharted games under their Belt. They had mastered their class. Uncharted Drake's Fortune was their first 3 person cover shooter experience. Before that they did Jak & Daxter which was a cartoon style 3rd person out of cover shooter. Learning the cover shooter genre took some practice for them. Uncharted Drake's Fortune is definitely the weakest while TLOU II is probably the best in history. They've come a long way since Drake's Fortune


Tokes_ACK OP t1_j6jvlsb wrote

Absolutely. I probably could have worded my above comment better. I was not trying to compare the two series, more just calling attention to the fact that TLOU2 is a pretty mechanically impressive game.


RyanGoFett-24 t1_j6jwmqs wrote

Oh yes definitely. You also have to keep in mind that Drake's Fortune was a early gen PS3 game. TLOU was a late gen PS3 game and TLOU II was a late gen PS4 game. I'm really curious to see where ND go next. I'm hearing their next game May not even be a cover shooter. They're supposedly working on a Fantasy open world RPG. I'm excited to see how they improve the cover shooter mechanics in TLOU II for their upcoming TLOU Multiplayer game tho


-loona--- t1_j6jxlsl wrote

i liked 4, but then again it was the only one i have played might hate the others


RyanGoFett-24 t1_j6jydp2 wrote

Yea my problem with Factions was the fact that it was only PvP. Humans vs Humans. I'm excited for whatever this is because from the concept art we can see that ND has created some kind of large scale PvPvE mode whether it's a Battle Royale or Extraction mode similar to Escape from Tarkov or maybe even a open world survival game set in that universe. Idk what it is yet but lately I've been having The Division vibes from it. The concept art with the Cruise ship gives me serious "Dark Zone" vibes where we can fight over high tiered loot while also avoiding AI infected. I can't wait to learn what they're up to


Atilim87 t1_j6k4lbr wrote

People like the puzzles I guess because the action stuff are objectively horrible, doesn’t help that the first 3 games got released on ps3 (I guess)


PeriklesLance t1_j6k97ru wrote

They're just dated, but they are mostly about the story and acting, gameplay is secondary, at least until the 4th one. Stories are really good though.

The 4th one has really fun gameplay and is really intuitive.

I hope you stick with them, but if the story isn't hooking you, then it might not be worth it for you


OppositeofDeath t1_j6kc9cg wrote

Oh dude, the first is a tech demo.

The 2nd game is where Uncharted became Uncharted.

Sorry, but your best course of action might be to quit 1, and start 2, straight up. The 2nd game is one of the best games I’ve ever played, better than 3 or 4 for me, but those are both great too.


jakalarf t1_j6kdzcy wrote

first game didn't age very well. the others are great though.


JJohnson25 t1_j6l3zcs wrote

Bro the first one didn’t age too well the mechanics are very behind but man that 2nd game is such a huge improvement it’s still my favorite out of the series


Tokes_ACK OP t1_j6l84lk wrote

Hearing this alot. Might just read a synopsis or watch a video on the first and just start on 2. It bugs me leaving a game unbeaten once I've started, even if I don't enjoy the game, lol. I'll have to slog through the first, eventually.

Happy cake day!


JJohnson25 t1_j6lf6wo wrote

Appreciate it. Yea bro like I played it when it first came out and loved it but then when the Uncharted collection came out and played it again I had to force myself through the game but even in doing that it’s a beauty because once you play the others it shows how much they improved


Gerti27 t1_j6lwpnb wrote

The first game is absolutely horrible. I almost stopped playing it because the controls are so bad. The other games are completely different control wise. A million times better.


Phantius t1_j6mfo5a wrote

I really like the stories, but the gameplay is pretty much the worst part of the series. Especially the combat.


Serafiel0705 t1_j6mprzl wrote

I dont like gameplay so I dont even try for story. But its my preference, I dont play action games.


Longjumping_Hawk_951 t1_j6nduz7 wrote

Like RDR2? Shitty mechanics but everyone is obsessed with the story so it doesn't matter to most of them.