I have all the Nathan Drake games, but I just can't get into them. The story is interesting so far, although I'm only about 8 hours into the first game. But that's the only thing I have enjoyed so far.
So much of the game just feels janky. The shooting mechanics are not very good, you can shoot straight through solid objects as long as you can see around it, and enemies occasionally will too. Blind-fire and hip-fire are pretty much useless, and there's no way to turn off the brutal aim acceleration.
The cover system is horrible with your character popping up from cover to aim even if you're not trying to shoot over or around your cover. The combat kinda just feels like a chore, and there's soooo much combat.
The fixed camera angles while platforming don't translate well to the controller a lot of the time, for instance, the next handhold will be directly to my left or right, but pushing in that direction makes Nate move in an unexpected one. I had to look down at my joystick once because I clearly needed to jump to my left, but I had to hold the joystick almost entirely downward.
Do any of these mechanics get better in the later games? I would like to play through to experience the story, but so far, the game just feels the opposite of fun for me. Which sucks because I know there are some great moments through out the series.
Lachdonin t1_j6jqvwc wrote
Mechanically, like all Naughty Dog games, they're just kinda... eh?
Some of the better writing in games, but Naughty Dog hasn't made a good game, gameplay wise, since Crash.