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fuck-fascism t1_j6j4u9z wrote

The game looked quite Unreal for its time. Played the everloving crap out of it on my OG iMac w/ a 8mb VooDoo2 card.


O_MORES OP t1_j6j7xne wrote

I played it first rendered in software on a S3 Virge GX/P233, but still looked incredibly good.


spazzardnope t1_j6jirqs wrote

Think my Voodoo 2 actually came with this game, and Incoming and possibly Descent 3, and a weird racing game.


wrath_of_grunge t1_j6kv7n6 wrote

the original iMacs didn't use a Voodoo 2.

no macs did, though they could be made to work. i gave my stepdad my Voodoo 3 when i upgraded, he flashed it over to work on Mac. we had it in a 8500/200.

iMacs couldn't do this though, they didn't have a expansion slot.

edit: i was wrong. see the following comment.


fuck-fascism t1_j6kz68k wrote

The very first Bondi blue iMac (Rev. A) had a mezzanine slot for expansion. There was a VooDoo2 card which was produced to utilize this slot. I had the original Bondi blue iMac with the VooDoo2 mezzanine slot card.