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___Paladin___ t1_j2do0u3 wrote

Depends on your goals for life and if gaming is actively preventing those goals from being realized. Not just your current goals, but the goals you might have in 10-20 years. Future you might have something to say on the topic.


bored2death2 t1_j2dt0h9 wrote

Well said. Unless this is your career, this should be treated like any other hobby.


OokySpookums t1_j2dp439 wrote

I used to until I realised people did the same with books and equally were made to feel bad.

It's your favourite pass time. Fuck what other people think.


shrektonator t1_j2do2ft wrote

If you are using gaming to avoid doing things you need to do then yes it is wrong. As long as it is not interrupting your social life, work/school or whatever it is okay.


lucifer_midnightstar t1_j2dodaz wrote

If you've got a lot of stuff to do, but you're playing instead then it will really feel so wrong


Dixiejay t1_j2dom3s wrote

Some people spend a lot of time reading, working out in the gym or watching Netflix. My grandmother probably spent more time Knitting than I did playing videogames.

Some of the best stories I have enjoyed, came from video games.

I don't think you should feel bad for, enjoying something. Keep doing what you enjoy, also in 2023. Happy New Year!


BaRiMaLi t1_j2do1sk wrote

No. But I must say since I have a family (husband, 2 kids) I cherish my game time...

Edit: typo


u_need_ajustin t1_j2e28g3 wrote

I have to wake up at 4am just to get any quality game time. It's become a routine. But if I'm honest I spend a lot of that time working too.


tootinraspootin t1_j2dpeaz wrote

Yes, I feel like I should be learning something or doing something more productive with my time but it’s just so easy to sit on a game for 7 hours non stop if you enjoy it. Weird feeling cause after I’m like, oh shit, coulda done something more meaningful. And then I for some reason repeat a day later


Nomad_RetroWildlands t1_j2dq0c9 wrote

It's only wrong if you're putting other, more important things on the back burner. Video games are wonderful things and give us some amazing experiences that I think more people should actually find a way to enjoy! But if it's at the expense of your job, marriage, relationships, personal growth... Then yeah. You might want to take a step back and reevaluate where you spend your time.

But that's on you to be honest enough with yourself by looking inward.


shorichan t1_j2dnq9p wrote

Obviously playing games is just for passing time


WindUpShoe t1_j2dox4c wrote much time are you spending, playing video games?


jboarei t1_j2dqvto wrote

Not in the slightest. It’s about having some balance. I play when I can, but I also have work, friends, and other hobbies.

Life is short, enjoy what you can, when you can.


TheProdaddy t1_j2dqz7r wrote

Do what brings you joy, life's too short.


Queasy_Safe_5266 t1_j2dr9hp wrote

I started making my own once I realized games are my passion.


therandommox t1_j2drp1t wrote

Don’t feel bad for doing something that brings you joy, whether that’s playing video games, reading, etc. I used to feel guilty for the time I put into my hobbies. I finally took a step back and realized that guilt was a result of constantly being told productivity was the most important thing (thanks grad school). We’re often made to feel guilty for simply doing things for ourselves.

Since you’re questioning time spent gaming, it may help to consider why you play video games. Do you play games to relax? To relieve stress? To socialize? To feel like you’re making progress? There is value in each of these motivations. Of course, moderation is important too.


Exlibro t1_j2duip9 wrote

If: Your dayjob is being done. Your apartment is clean, fridge full, bills payed. Your friends are asked "are you doing Ok?"

Are ticked off, you can game however the hell long you want. No matter what others tell. It's your god damn hobby and ejoy every minute of it.


mistdemon69 t1_j2dv6nc wrote

I play 20-40 hours a week. I'm doing great at my IT job, all my bills and chores are taken care of, and I do plenty of activities with my gf.

You could have your take with any hobby.



AsstDepUnderlord t1_j2dvlz7 wrote

Do you not sleep? 60 hours in a week doesn’t even sound possible with a full time job (assuming you aren’t playing while working)


mistdemon69 t1_j2dwdvv wrote

6 hours a night!

It's usually 30 hours I play a week.

60 is actually unrealistic and I was wildly guessing, so yeah, not 60 lol unless I was on vacation

25 hours average 35-40 on a good week.


MajesticPenisMan t1_j2e3qp3 wrote

Maybe that’s because you spend too much time playing videogames


anonicrow t1_j2e49g2 wrote

As other have said, just make sure you are not prioritizing gaming over your responsibilities or serious life goals. If you're just trying to unwind or have fun in your spare time, it is no more harmful than reading a book.


odiumodious t1_j2e7hoa wrote

for me it feels productive and satisfying as long as its a game I actually like and enjoy