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jimbowolf t1_j2eeqzl wrote

No, not even once. It's an inferior launcher to Steam in literally every single way.


Darkchyylde t1_j2ef5wx wrote

Well considering Steam has been around for a long ass time, and in its early days was a buggy pile of dog shit, I’m not sure why people keep comparing them.


jimbowolf t1_j2efjdm wrote

I'm not sure why you wouldn't compare them. They have no competition except each other. They're the exact same product, except one has been curated and polished over decades, and the other was seemingly designed by someone who's never used a piece of software before.


Darkchyylde t1_j2esze2 wrote

How user friendly was Steam in its first couple years?


jimbowolf t1_j2eyg0d wrote

It doesn't matter. Steam is good NOW and Epic isn't, and that's all that matters to a consumer. Epic had all of Steam's history to look at for inspiration and learning so they don't repeat the same mistakes, and then they proceeded to just make all of the mistakes anyways.