noxsanguinis t1_iueiup3 wrote
Take a break. Go do other things you enjoy.
JJohnson25 t1_iueivs6 wrote
We’ve all been there before just take a break and come back whenever you feel like it
AhDamm t1_iueob9s wrote
I've been a gamer since childhood too. Now at 34 I've found that the older I got the more things I needed to add to my list of things to do. In my teens I could just game every free moment and it was fine. I now need to rotate what I'm doing to entertain myself. I'll pick up a game and play it through, then move onto something else like a new TV series or a new book series. It's about balance, and as I got older I had to balance more things to care about any of them individually. Just throwing out my two cents.
thewalkindude t1_iuer2yi wrote
Burnout happens. I've been sort of burnt out on games for a couple of years now, after some anticipated releases disappointed, and I found myself paralyzed by choice. But there have been a couple of games I haven't played in old reliable series that have somewhat rekindled the love in me. It'll never be like it was whenI was a kid or teen again, but I can still find things to love.
thewalkindude t1_iuerna0 wrote
It seems modern games require more and more time, and, as my life in the real world progresses, I have less and less. Last year, I was unemployed, so I had plenty of time to commit to games. Now I have a full time job, and I'm going to graduate school in January, so that will take even more time, and I don't know how much time I'll have when I get a professional job either.
Elegant_Spot_3486 t1_iueusrh wrote
Ok. So take a break. You don’t enjoy something it seems pretty simple. Maybe you get back to gaming later, maybe you don’t. People change. Hobbies change. Industries change. Life goes on. Nothing to be sad about. It doesn’t mean something is wrong.
JohnGamerAnimates t1_iufoacv wrote
Take a break until you feel like coming back, or maybe there’s a big new release you wanna play.
kevipants t1_iueiock wrote
Don't do something you aren't enjoying. Take a break. It's a hobby, not a job. Games will always be there.