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Shozzy_D OP t1_je597l9 wrote

I did read it was shorter. I guess it's the same engine and game mechanics then. Not surprised and honestly probably a good thing in some ways. Thanks for your input!


admiralrico411 t1_je5axly wrote

Miles is a fantastic game that really helps build the story of one of the best Spidermans. Definitely play it after tho as it fits at the end of the main game. It is kinda like whip cream topping on an awesome ice cream sandwich.


One_Disaster245 t1_je6djlj wrote

Why do people say he's the best Spiderman? Is it because of the animated movie?


EvilOctopusInk t1_je717vk wrote

I actually played Miles first (because my nephews wanted to play that more) and then went back to play Spider-man. I’m glad I did because I would have totally been disappointed the other way around. I liked Spider-man much better and it was a much fuller game.


admiralrico411 t1_je725nw wrote

I like how even tho they are essentially both spider man there is a distinct difference in playing them. Like Peter is exp and has years of knowledge and ability. His moves are more fluid from fighting to even web slinging whereas Miles feels much more like a beginner(at least till the end part). It is cool they manage to subtly tweak the controls to make them feel different


EvilOctopusInk t1_je7e3wh wrote

For sure. I also noticed, especially when web swinging, Miles moves a little faster and jumps and little higher…


tehsax t1_je6g3ru wrote

I liked it more than the main game. I thought the story was less convoluted with the tighter focus on just one antagonist and I loved the entire vibe around the Harlem neighborhood, with the hip hop beats in the soundtrack while swinging through the city and everything. I also liked Miles more than Peter. No specific reason, I just found him even more likeable.

Yes, it's shorter, but that also results in a more streamlined, focussed campaign, I think. Having said that, I'd also definitely recommend both. The swinging has a Mario-like quality in the sense that simply moving around is a lot of fun in and of itself. That's a very rare quality in video games, and Insomniac nailed it.