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NullSpaceGaming t1_jdhvhia wrote

Not to mention the world of Nosgoth is falling into entropy after the Pillars fell. Fits the whole decay motif perfectly


afkmofo t1_jdhvjqm wrote

I would definitely play this. Reboot legacy of kain Fromsoft. It's got aliens and everything.


Wizards_Win t1_jdi70b1 wrote

It would have to be a full remake, a remaster simply wouldn't stand up today, clunky combat and platforming with block puzzles, but the dimensional shift mechanic could be amazing again.


Swearologyst t1_jdi76tk wrote

Give this man the keys to that building and start making that game.


Ebolatastic t1_jdicmx0 wrote

Yup, and the fact that Raziel can't actually die would balance the difficulty out completely.


RaltarArianrhod t1_jdifcu9 wrote

Fuck you, leave my series alone. Not everything needs to be souls-like. Combat is secondary in these games, its all about the puzzles.


FortKA19 t1_jdirvvs wrote

I think if it was souls-lite it would work.


Dexter4111 t1_jdizsfr wrote

Please stop... let this sweet princess of series rest in peace

Not everything will be good when done by Fromsoft, they are good in two things and sucks at other aspects

Legacy of Kain is in legal/licensing(or whatever) limbo.

No company big enough to have resources to pursue legal aspects will make it justice and WILL squeeze it dry with greed

And Santa is not real.