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Normal_Umpire_1623 t1_jee2xcl wrote

I got this exact set up too! Bought the Saturn with both the standard controller, and that Analog controller (I wanted The Analog controller so bad, it looked so cool but I never got to try it)

When I was a kid, I loved Sonic games and my dad bought me Sonic R for our windows PC. Man I loved playing it.

So much so that when I got Older I knew I had to buy a Saturn and a copy of the original Game just so I could have it. Well I got Sonic R for the Saturn and love playing it too.

The freaking Analog controller is surprisingly really nice. I find it super comfortable to hold and that old-school joystick is really cool.

It still makes me sad knowing that Sega never managed to make a proper 3D adventure with Sonic on the Saturn before it's death, especially when Sonic Jam had a great 3D Hub world, and when Sonic R had great 3D race Levels. And Sonic Extreme looked really cool/Promising.

I feel like the pieces were all there they just couldn't put them together. If only they put those two teams together.

If you take the Team from Sonic Extreme, and combine them with those two teams:

The Sonic Jam Devs take there concept of it's Hub world and just greatly expanded upon it and built the whole game around that,

And Travellers Tales could had took there knowledge of making the 3D race courses and used that to design the Zones, Levels, and speed sections, I think they could have made a great game together.