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hurdygurdy21 t1_jd1tvwr wrote

I'm not big into MMOs and took a break from ESO a while back as well. I returned (started a new character) and it seems pretty easy to get back into. Just if you want to do the main game and expansions in order it requires a bit of research. It's not really a direct line and it depends on your alliance. I recommend it though if you like Elder Scrolls and MMOs.


imareallifehobbit t1_jd1u1bl wrote

I'm looking for an MMO to play that isn't world of warcraft. WoW on private servers seems really dope but I'm more of a console guy than PC and I don't have the time or energy right now to invest into learning WoW. So idk what my options are for MMO's other than ESO. I don't like final fantasy cuz i'm not into weeaboo stuff.


hurdygurdy21 t1_jd1umpf wrote

Fair enough though FFXIV is pretty great. ESO is fine, Phantasy Star Online is also good but I guess that is more weeaboo stuff lol

As far as consoles there aren't really an array of options. DC Universe Online maybe. Neverwinter. Path of Exile is a Diablo-like game but console controls are pretty trash tbh.


imareallifehobbit t1_jd1uqlr wrote

I've heard really good stuff about FFXIV and no disrespect to anyone who plays or enjoys that game. It's just way too weeaboo-ish for me personally.

Yeah seems kinda limited on console.


ModsSuckCock2 t1_jd2475n wrote

You can enjoy Final Fantasy without being a weeaboo. It's just a fantasy mmo. Although the fact that you keep referencing weeaboos kinda makes me think you are judgemental af. And if that's true maybe don't play with people you think are beneath you. So ya avoid weeaboos shit so you don't end up ruining someone else's day with your bias.


imareallifehobbit t1_jd24ec3 wrote

I'm not judgmental at all as a whole. But to me FFXIV is some weeaboo shit. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But that's how I see that game. I don't think weeaboos and/or people who play FFXIV are beneath me though. That's an incorrect assumption you are making about me. I don't think anyone is beneath me. We are all flawed humans just trying to figure it out day by day. But to me FFXIV is some weeaboo shit. I have the right to have that opinion.


Iffykindofguy t1_jd3xaxc wrote

Lol you have the right to be dumb but they dont have the right to make fun of you for it? I know what you mean, I dont play Genshin Impact for what would maybe be similar reasons if we spent time to break down your "weeaboo" logic but I dont want to waste my time


ModsSuckCock2 t1_jd259pv wrote

You are correct that you have the right to your opinion. Just as how others have the right to view you as incredibly judgemental.

Saying your not judgemental as a whole like it's some sort of excuse is bullshit. That's like someone saying they aren't racist as a whole because they only dislike black people.


imareallifehobbit t1_jd25fhb wrote

Yeah bro you can view me as judgmental if you want to. It doesn’t bother me at all. And the fact remains that we’re both complete strangers on reddit. You have no idea how I am outside of reddit and outside of my views of FFXIV.


ModsSuckCock2 t1_jd4ip0z wrote

I do know how you are outside of reddit and outside of your views on FFXIV. You also think a certain group of people (weeaboos) are beneath you based entirely on the fact that they like something you don't. It's one thing to not agree or like something, it's another thing to call a group of people a derogatory term just because you don't share interests.


deceirkayn t1_jd2j5tb wrote

You're ignorant and moronic. Labeling Japanese things "weaboo" (an outdated term in itself) is borderline just racist. You should not breed, because your children will likely be failures and leaches to society.


Doctor_Viking t1_jd21b89 wrote

New World has its flaws but I have enjoyed my time playing it. They have an update in a week and might be worth checking it out. The fighting is a lot more action oriented than other MMOs, even ESO.