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Venom_is_an_ace t1_je5jbjh wrote

just wait till they find the solid tumor in the stomach that is made out of cheese.

eating all those cheese wheels at once is not always a good thing.


DrSmirnoffe t1_je76dbt wrote

Wallace from Wallace & Gromit would probably disagree.

He'd still be wrong, but he'd still disagree, 'cause he loves cheese that much.


leftysrevenge t1_je7c9nn wrote

Plot twist: his animators made him out of cheese


DrSmirnoffe t1_je7l46j wrote

Honestly, I was thinking more of Wallace going after Father Mendez from Resident Evil 4. The "Big Cheese" would be running scared as that mad Yorkie engineer chases him down in a ramshackle mech, drooling maniacally.

Wallace: "Everybody knows you're made of cheese, Bitores..."


Gromit: [silently looks around the village, wondering where everybody's going]


AveryLazyCovfefe t1_je7gc9s wrote

You're giving me memories to the Wallace and gromit telltale game lol. I actually loved playing that as a kid.


SleeplessGrimm t1_je9cpbf wrote

He loves cheese so much that when he ran out he built a rocket to got to the moon because he thought it was made of cheese


DrSmirnoffe t1_je9wqbu wrote

That's what we in the business call dedication. Man's basically a super-scientist.

If he had an arch a'la Venture Bros, who would it be? Maybe that glove-hatted penguin, Feathers McGraw? Piella Bakewell was his arch for a while, but that ended after a tragic ballooning accident.


E-i8 t1_je7zwsf wrote

My health meter says otherwise.


Kanthardlywait t1_je7y6cz wrote

In the immortal words of Space Ghost, "Cheese will block you up".


Zetorio t1_je8ofn2 wrote

What? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate the whole wheel of cheese? How’d you do that? Heck, I’m not even mad; that’s amazing.


puffmaster5000 t1_je5nqyt wrote

Alternatively the patient could say "Stop trying to loot me I'm not dead yet"


MrValdemar t1_je6mpf8 wrote

"You'll be stone dead in a moment."


grimedogone t1_je6rltf wrote

“You’re not fooling anyone, you know.”


MrValdemar t1_je6rtqv wrote

"I'm getting better..."


GIGA255 t1_je741fo wrote

If the loot showed up, he's already dead. Bad surgeons.


ChocolatBear t1_je7expl wrote

He could just be unconscious and so the doctors don't have to worry about getting caught organ harvesting pickpocketing.


Manos_Of_Fate t1_je7fzn3 wrote

It seems like it would be easier to just put a bucket on his head like a normal person.


Stock_Padawan t1_je84k73 wrote

The patient didn’t put his valuables under a chest in his backpack. He made it easier for the thieves.


USeaMoose t1_je7w4da wrote

I thought the nurse would say the patient's line. Like he's a common enemy in a game, full of loot to drop when killed.


Hytheter t1_je8cdct wrote

I'm pretty sure that line is from a surgeon in the foreground, not the patient.


USeaMoose t1_jeb5u2q wrote

Ahh, you're right. That makes more sense. :)


AuctorLibri t1_je5asyp wrote

Bwaahaahaa this is a surgeon's dream. I know a few that are gamers. 😁


reezy619 t1_je5lbvy wrote

Considering what foreign objects surgeons are normally removing from their patients, and the context for why they are...inside them...yeah I can see that.


leftysrevenge t1_je7cezh wrote

I guarantee they collect some of them.


theshadowiscast t1_je7lmgj wrote

They keep them in a box at the hospital (or at least used to).

My one field trip to a hospital in middle school included seeing x-rays of foreign objects in people (swallowed or inserted), and then being shown the box of stuff some people were too embarrassed to claim after they were removed.


dfreinc t1_je5c6n3 wrote

>surgeon's dream. I know a few that are gamers.

as they should. 🙌


HistoricGamer18 t1_je5u6s2 wrote

Do they train them with surgeon simulator or something?


Briar_Knight t1_je6piu5 wrote

There are actually surgeon games and a laparoscopic instrument box set for the wii so you can play games with them.


ThatITguy2015 t1_je71dqw wrote

Nah, using the DIY surgery kits you can and/or used to be able to buy on Amazon.


ShoerguinneLappel t1_je6dnrx wrote

I guess playing more Doom will make me a professional Surgeon 🤣.


Jonathon471 t1_je774zu wrote

Hey if Doomguy can perform open heart surgery on demons in under a second why can't you?

Granted none of his patients survive but hey he got that pesky organ out...and crushed it in his hands okay maybe he's not the best example.


mike117 t1_je75ddg wrote

Now this is some cool shit right here


ramblingnonsense t1_je7rcc8 wrote

Plot twist, we actually are full of gold and gems but the surgeons are the only ones who know and they don't tell anyone.


DreadedLee t1_je5xy9q wrote

Characters in a cutscene pull something out their back pocket when they're not wearing pants.


MyMartianRomance t1_je7bm1t wrote

They also pull things that wouldn't be able to fit in pockets or even a bag.


Ranzear t1_je7fxtq wrote

And then they hand your character that nothing and you stare at your empty hand a moment, followed by nodding blankly.

Then you go kill God. FFXIV in a nutshell.


genius_retard t1_je78fnn wrote

Based on these comments it seems like a lot of people don't get this comic. It seems to me that the patient is an NPC and the items in his torso is the loot they would drop when the player kills them. Also the person who needs gems to upgrade their sword is another doctor or nurse, hence the white gloves.


Lespaul42 t1_je7l1fa wrote

Honestly... This just isn't very good. Like who kills a human NPC that is wearing clothes and thinks the shit was in their body and not like... in the pockets?


[deleted] t1_je7pk6k wrote



FleetStreetsDarkHole t1_je88vmo wrote

My dude you don't play enough games with looting mechanics if you haven't run into several variations of "this thing has no pockets, how is it carrying a bazooka?"

The last bit is just a deviation used narrativley at times to add in an extra joke layer. It tends to make up for the need to shoehorn it with the comedy of the statement. In this case, that ten random gems enhances someone's sword and alludes to the fact that, in a very narrow view, these mechanics turn players into little loot goblins searching for random crystals inside dead things to improve items.

OP did a mash-up of video games and real life to turn the absurd logic that results into a joke. You're just taking it too literally. And I say that as someone who often does the same.


Lespaul42 t1_je7s10u wrote

Also the fact the dude is like "Here is a magic crystal" but is shocked at the mention of a sword is weird as well.


genius_retard t1_je83yd3 wrote

> the person being operated upon says "I need 10 of those to upgrade my sword."

That's not the person on the bed that says that, it is another doctor or nurse. The person on the bed has there head on the left side of the frame. Where the breathing tube is.


ReyGonJinn t1_je7ygnv wrote

Skyrim and Fallout where you literally just takes the clothes off their backs.


dontshowmygf t1_je8dsol wrote

I mean, there are plenty of games where you can kill people with little to no clothes, and they still drop loot.


grabbingcabbage t1_je5gvr5 wrote

What game are they playing? Handgun ammo check, bag of coins? Hmm. Green jewel for upgrading a sword what?


PM_Me_OCs t1_je5rqet wrote

It's making fun of Resident Evil.


G-H-O-S-T t1_je7mrpx wrote

Huh.. i must be playing different re games.. i don't remember any gems to upgrade swrods


requiemofchaos t1_je7zlvi wrote

No, but there are gems you can slot into treasure items to increase their value. The creator of the comic probably wasn't paying attention to what the gems actually do.


Cam_ofblades t1_je909mu wrote

I honestly thought the green gem was a Horizon: FW reference.


PM_Me_OCs t1_je7n9no wrote

You can upgrade your knife now.


G-H-O-S-T t1_je8t3e1 wrote

Not with gems


PM_Me_OCs t1_je8up6i wrote

You can buy a ticket to get the last upgrade for free with spinels.


G-H-O-S-T t1_je9cyca wrote

Man you gotta admit that's such a stretch haha
I'm annoyed at the comic for being so vague but it seems deliberately not specific


storne t1_je6t00a wrote

Could be ff14, that has guns in a fantasy world


Verto-San t1_je7knr2 wrote

Or fallout (why are the bullets and guns inside mutated dogs?!)


Usual_Research t1_je7ejfk wrote

It was in reverse, but that was my experience playing Lost Ark.

Starts in castles fighting demons then suddenly you are in a future city killing robots.

That's why I quit playing.


Apollyon257 t1_je5uyl5 wrote

Probably remnant from the ashes. closest thing there is


brooksofmaun t1_je6ucg8 wrote

If it wasn’t one of the most slept on games I’d believe ya


FreudianAccordian t1_je5gt5k wrote

And my axe!


Mainely420Gaming t1_je5oo7j wrote

snaps on glove

Ok, If you insist. Bend over and we'll get it out.

Fucking dwarves, 3rd one this week


dascott t1_je5w74q wrote

Press X to hack open the corpse for more loot.


Definitive__Plumage t1_je7mq7h wrote

I mean, I always assumed those things were in a pocket or pouch that you rifled through.


Now, loot on animals/monsters is a different story.


Thurwell t1_je6usyp wrote

I remember an early dungeon crawler, I think it was Dungeon Siege, where you had a donkey following you around you piled all that stuff on to.


Briar_Knight t1_je7rm6y wrote

In Torchlight you load up your pet up and can even send it to sell things for you.

How an animal is bartering on your behalf I'm not sure but I suppose if a flesh eating deer showed and dumped a bunch of bloody loot on me I would give it money if that got it to leave.


endoffays t1_je78rw9 wrote

Thanks complete sense! As you go deeper and deeper and deeper into the dungeon, you load the donkey up with the good you find.

Then when you realize you've hit the end and or might be lost and panicked, you cut open the donkey for food and then try and find your way out by leaving a trail of gold coins every path you take.


Minqua t1_je5zeqw wrote

Dibs on any Stone of Jordan or Thunderfury blessed blade of the windseeker


[deleted] t1_je6eizc wrote

Gamer gets surgery what happens next is shocking


viennery t1_je7nqc5 wrote

Magic is just radiation


analbumcover69420 t1_je7y686 wrote

I… don’t think you’ve played enough video games to understand where loot is kept…


Herzeleid- t1_je6nl8o wrote

Good comic, but why is the nurse ambu-bagging the patient's crotch?


Briar_Knight t1_je7seve wrote

I think his head is to the left. The other hand is anouther surgeon.

Though if that is meant to be an ambu-bag, why is the scrub nurse doing that? Why is the patient being ambu-baged at all? They should be intubated. Can you belive this random webcomic might not show a particularly accurate surgery?!


Houeclipse t1_je7m65b wrote

Colms on /r/gaming! Love to see it


Tenzer57 t1_je7qxfh wrote

Thought her hand was a hook


Gooseworkss t1_je85exn wrote

So that's how inventories work, it all goes to your viscera


backstib t1_je86x6t wrote

In ss13 it's just a bomb


LitreOfCockPus t1_je8azhu wrote

If their heart stopped during the operation, would the doctor get the XP?


GreenBuddy t1_jeakgp0 wrote

Colms' character expressions is SO good. Easily my favorite part of his comics.


hawk_mawk t1_je6s5bf wrote

Third one's just a swollen testicle


Rikukun t1_je787vu wrote

Thought that was a gunk seed in the bottom left at a glance


wallingfortian t1_je7bnuy wrote

Now show me where the skeletons hid their loot.


Soy9861 t1_je7clfa wrote

Guess where he keeps his sword


Thraxx01 t1_je7eocx wrote

Wait until he pulls out the ledx!


darnicantfindaname t1_je7hy3g wrote

There was this indie game being developed where you store things inside your chest cavity. Forget what it was called


cannibalisticapple t1_je7kb9e wrote

I thought the line about upgrading the swords came from the surgeon. Makes the nurse's "Your WHAT?" even funnier


Facelesss1799 t1_je855by wrote

I see how you didn’t bother drawing more than two reactions for a second character


Bricci89 t1_je85mup wrote

Planescape Torment in a nutshell


BrutusGregori t1_je8bs8j wrote

I made meme from Dying Light. When you draw a weapon, you reach down to your bum and draw the weapon.

I give you, the Asshole of Holding.


TheGreatUdolf t1_je8hkbf wrote

when you spec into medic, but your main class is rogue


Trectears t1_je8jg5i wrote

You know I always thought we stored our loot on the butt. Glad to know there was another option, even if it is too late for me


Squabbleydoop t1_je8tc0f wrote

Man really calling out me trying to play remnant


Eldenlee t1_je98f0n wrote

it's so ridiculous


madman32_1 t1_jeae380 wrote

Man that guy needed some pockets for his loot