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Arxlightning t1_jegcxlp wrote

Dont worry they definitely will 😎

Did you know Diablo immortal made twice as much money in 3 months than Diablo 1 2 and 3 combined did in their lifetime.


Rat192 t1_jegdcqj wrote

I know….

And yeah… ill just set it next to my pile of ruined potential so when the day comes at least I wont have to walk very far.


elhawko t1_jegm8xc wrote

Really?! You got a source on that?


Arxlightning t1_jegp4j5 wrote

Check revenue's of each game.

Diablo Immortal = 300 million. Diablo 3 = 100- 120 million Diablo 2 = 20- 30 million ( not counting the new edition) Diablo 1 = 5 - 10 million

You see the numbers are correct.


elhawko t1_jegrcwx wrote

Where did you pull that from?


GH057807 t1_jegrz8h wrote

They do not, at least for the MTX side of it.

There are however plenty of official sources saying the opposite.


elhawko t1_jeh3xif wrote

Cool. You got a source on that?
