Submitted by behi667 t3_110c3ri in gaming

I don't know about you, but I am not a WASD player and the simple ability to change keybinds can make or break a game for me.

For the past few years I noticed that more and more games launch with either fully hardcoded keybinds, or some of them being hardcoded (e.g. "USE"), making the game unplayable for me without using stuff like AutoHotKey.

Only in the past few days I had to let go of "High on Life" and "Serpent Rogue" just because of this questionable design choice.

This is why I decided to start giving short reviews on Steam, where my recommendations are solely based on whether a game gives you the option to customize your keys, called "Can you rebind keys in this game?"

I would love to hear how many of you don't play WASD (I use EDSF myself) and why do you find WASD setup lacking and/or impossible to use.


EDIT: added link to steam curator page
EDIT 2: because many of you are asking why I use EDSF - it's a habit I got from playing Quake 2 back in the late 90s, where I needed to have all weapons bound around my movement keys for easy access, instead of having to go to 1,2,3...9,0
This is also a more natural position for the left hand for anyone used to touch typing, as your index finger normally rests on the "F" key that has this little "titty" giving you instant feedback that your finger/hand is in the right position, even if you can't see your keyboard.
Lastly, I much prefer my pinky to sit on A instead of Shift for run/sprint, because having it on Shift would often give me hand cramps from this weird position.

I also understand that there's a lot of people with different disabilities, that don't allow them to play on WASD (lefties included! :P ), so I sincerely wish everyone, that from now on every game will support custom keybinds! :)



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