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Zomgreddit1 t1_jaat9pq wrote

Crazy to me people buy games and don't finish them especially a full priced one


Mickl193 t1_jabquso wrote

I'm one of them, most games just can't keep me involved/interested until the story finishes (rdr2 was so fcking slow paced). there comes a period where I don't have time for let's say a week to play and I never come back, simple as that. And when it comes to money fortunately I'm in situation where buying a game a month or so is irrelevant to the state of my finances.


DoeCommaJohn t1_jacj1zi wrote

I started RDR2 but dropped it because I wasn’t having fun. It was on my roommate’s PlayStation, but I’d still rather lose 60 bucks than play a game for 30 hours that I don’t like


fkcd t1_jac9l9c wrote

I wanna see and do everything a game has to offer that usually means I’ll burn out before it’s finished


TheSchneid t1_jacrdwt wrote

Yeah, games are just too long these days in my opinion. I was having such a good time with Spider-Man, knocking every little thing off the map and then I finally got to some late game thing where it added like 30 more points of interest to my map and I was just like no fucking way, I turned it off and haven't touched it since.


SephithDarknesse t1_jacvwbv wrote

Thats likely why steam is much lower. Its very likely those people havent paid full price.


Barker_Glazier t1_jadcimi wrote

Even crazier that a disturbing amount of people didn’t even finish the first chapter


TheStevesie t1_jad3s2g wrote

My time is worth more than the few dollars a game costs. If I'm not into it, I'm not into.

PC gamers probably have higher standards and therefore get bored of this game faster. My experience anyways.


Mountain-Humor1699 t1_jac8ipg wrote

This might be off due to people restarting post completion and stopping at a chapter (camp)


BornSirius t1_jacbhde wrote

That isn't how that works. Those statistics are per unit sold, not per started playthrough. If your account completed a step once, your copy counts towards "completed".


Mountain-Humor1699 t1_jacbwj1 wrote

It doesn't state that anywhere.


Natural-Seesaw-9450 t1_jacev8v wrote

The OP made a comment said he used achievement data, you obviously can't get a achievement twice


BornSirius t1_jacl5oi wrote

It states it uses achievement data and that is how achievement data works.


Mountain-Humor1699 t1_jaclgti wrote

nope sorry, it doesn't. Only story completion percentage.


BornSirius t1_jacmo1m wrote

That statement was in a seperate comment so I don't fault you for ignoring it, but "story completion percentage" can only be "achievement data" anyways due to factors stated here:


OkCrantropical t1_jacee43 wrote

That makes absolutely no sense. These statistics are about chapters, which has nothing to do with per units sold. You can’t gauge which chapters people get through based on how many units you sell. There’s zero correlation.


BornSirius t1_jackn4w wrote

Let me walk you through the steps that are the default in the industry:

1.) A steam account (or PS or xbox account) purchases a copy of a game.

2.) If that account at any time fulfills the condition for an achievement (like finishing chapter 1), that account sets a flag that it has reached that milestone.

3.) you divide the amount of flags by the number of copies sold.

That is it. That is how you correlate copies sold to the chapters that are finished. While it does not you an idea how many people finished the chapters, you do know how many copies have reached a certain progress.

You could write a custom reporting tool that tells rockstar when a new campaign starts and how it is going, but there simply isn't a reason to assume rockstar did this, especially since that would require you to be always online.