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bork_13 t1_ja9n2d0 wrote

I was having this chat with a mate

Surely once you’ve got a PC that can handle ray tracing, will you ever need an upgrade?

I know there will be upgrades, but like you say, it’ll cost more, be less energy efficient, for smaller incremental improvements

Surely we must be nearing the sweet spot at which the improvements start to be in energy efficiency as well as the continual graphical improvements


AeuiGame t1_ja9nfwk wrote

I think that the next direction to improve on is more characters. Being able to render a real wall of zombies that fills city streets, every single one bouncing off each other around like a real swarm.

Full scale, first person, battles the size the Romans had. Stuff like that. Small scale detail we've basically got what we're going to get, but just making the scenes grander and bigger can keep going before you hit that point of diminishing returns. A crowd of 1000, 10000, and 100000 all feel different in real life. I imagine past 100k characters in a scene you kinda stop caring, but that's a long, long way off.

Imagine a hitman game in a place like a video game convention, full scale, fully crowded.


bork_13 t1_ja9ntgd wrote

I was wondering that, and improved open worlds with greater variety in quests and areas. I think the AAA devs are gradually realising that the Ubisoft open world blueprint is tiresome


AeuiGame t1_ja9nz2a wrote

Well yeah, but that's a game design question, not as much a question of hardware. They'll move on to some other formulaic thing we'll get sick of, don't worry. You can't money your way into good design.