Submitted by ItzNinjah t3_11dvyn0 in gaming

Specifically Atomic Heart, Forspoken, and The Callisto Protocol.

I heard these games we’re getting a lot of hype and anticipation but noticed that the product was getting a lot of hate when it came out but just not quite sure why

I’ll be potentially playing any of these on ps5 if console specific bugs exist.



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Zeshui0 t1_jab62sd wrote

Forspoken has been getting hate because of an unlikable and annoying protagonist, bad dialogue, bland quests, and mostly empty world.That being said, the gameplay and battle system are excellent with good boss fights.

Callisto Protocol was very short in terms of overall play, so it didn't have time to really flush the story or characters out. The gameplay is great though with interesting mechanics.

What really brought hate however, was the PC release that launched the same day as consoles and had a lot of bugs that made it unplayable. But that always happens because it takes time to tweak console games to run smoothly on PC. Their fault for jumping the gun and not delaying it's release on that platform.


dicydico t1_jacg8ol wrote

Callisto protocol also gets a lot of criticism because the dodging mechanic is easily exploited. 1v1 there's not much reason for you to take damage from an enemy.

I'm sure they wanted to differentiate from Dead Space's gun focus, but I'm not sure the melee focus was a great idea, at least as it was implemented.


Darzanak t1_jab4zpy wrote

I know I skipped Atomic Heart because I just can’t support a pro-Russian company at this time. A lot of people I know feel the same way.


DOo000oo000m t1_jab69cl wrote

Imagine being this racist 😂


Firvulag t1_jab6kcw wrote

They are literally funded by a russian oligarch


DOo000oo000m t1_jab74gk wrote

Get over your woke self before this entire industry tanks


Firvulag t1_jab7u7q wrote

It's up to each of us to decide where to draw the line.

The industry will be fine either way.


Darzanak t1_jac7f6w wrote

Now we are woke for not wanting to support the next Hitler. Ha!


Alltwek t1_jab7f0n wrote

Since when is "Russian" a race? Do you even know the definition of the word? Lmao


DOo000oo000m t1_jab7gr2 wrote

Imagine being this dumb/ignorant


Alltwek t1_jab87eu wrote

I was thinking the same thing my guy.


DOo000oo000m t1_jabbjlf wrote

Lmao, bots will argue to the very end.

Remember folks, when you can question something, it's science. When you can't, it's propoganda ;)


Alltwek t1_jabcqm7 wrote

What on earth are you even talking about?


DOo000oo000m t1_jabcyj0 wrote

Remember folks, when you can question something, it's science. When you can't, it's propoganda ;)


Yo_Wats_Good t1_jabafmr wrote

Imagine dickriding Putler in 2023 while he's busy spreading Russia's cheeks for Ukraine and the West.

Putin could've allowed Russia to fade into obscurity or, you know, join the West but instead decided to damn the Russian people for generations to come.


DOo000oo000m t1_jabbkmd wrote

Remember folks, when you can question something, it's science. When you can't, it's propoganda ;)

Don't let the bots ruin the gaming industry


Yo_Wats_Good t1_jabc5fv wrote

I played in on Game Pass bc I found the arguments against the devs unconvincing and tenuous, particularly given how Russia treats their citizens who speak out. But I’m not going to decry the people who decided differently from me.

People aren’t bots btw, don’t be dismissive just because you need to construct an alternate reality in your head to feel special.


DOo000oo000m t1_jabckw5 wrote

Buddy, not everyone is bots.. but there's definitely alot of clues as to who is, and you'd be surprised how many there are. You should really question your reality if you believe everything you read online :).

When any opinion questions the mainstream opinion is downvoted to oblivion immediately, one assumes a narrative.

Is it really that fuckin outrageous to keep politics out of games?


Yo_Wats_Good t1_jabhet0 wrote

I think you mean “keep politics I disagree with out of games.”

Arguing with a conspiracy theorist is like shouting at a rock so I’m good here. Good luck man


DOo000oo000m t1_jabirn3 wrote

No, i think YOU mean that. I mean keep politics out period.


kennyh90 t1_jab6pm4 wrote

Dunkey did a perfect review on forspoken


Yo_Wats_Good t1_jaba3o4 wrote

>Atomic Heart

Atomic Heart had good looking trailers and Bioshock has such a good rep that something that looked like a Soviet Bioshock was going to get people excited. Everyone loves Bioshock and alternative histories so its the perfect mix. It also looked quite good and had stuff like mesh deformation on the enemies that looked cool (but was toned down for release).

I wouldn't say its getting hate, beyond the questions about the development team and their connection to Russia, its just that people quickly realized it wasn't quite like Bioshock and was for the most part an average game. Well beyond the hype and marketing leading up to it.

Typical gamer stuff.

I beat it and did all the side content but on Game Pass. I wouldn't pay more than $30 maybe $40 for it. It doesn't have any replay value and like I said, its average. 6/10 at my most generous.


Haven't played it but the dialogue was basically the open world was empty (at least at the beginning), the combat and parkour are cool, but the protagonist is written pretty gratingly.

For what its work I have heard this is mostly issues at the beginning and that it does get a bit better but not quite enough to redeem the negative qualities. Plus if your audience doesn't even want to finish the game after the first few hours, I chalk that up as a fail.

>The Callisto Protocol

Made by the former creative lead of the legendary Dead Space and his team, it looks incredible and was hyped up since everyone loved the other game.

Also didn't play, but apparently the game isn't all that scary, the combat is unintuitive and aggravating to play, and it doesn't last all that long. It also apparently has an ending that sets up future stuff.

I plan on picking it up when it goes on sale eventually but I'm in no rush, personally.

Honestly, I'd skip them all unless you're desperate for something to play. In that case, if you can choke it down Forspoken seems like the best investment in terms of dollar/time.


WeZy_AtoMicZz t1_jaceluf wrote

Just finished Callisto 2weeks ago.
It's a average good game. Like you said atmosphere, graphics etc. all fits, but it's just not scary enough and the combat gets repetetive since it is very melee focused and you fight every enemy the same way.
Also the game basically has only one boss, since you fight against them the same way too. Run around and shoot.. no special mechanics.. was pretty boring.


ItzNinjah OP t1_jabewtg wrote

Thanks for the reviews I’ll steer clear of these then


Impurity41 t1_jabsv5f wrote

Once atomic heart goes on sale you can give it a try. I thought it was pretty fun.


Firvulag t1_jab6iqr wrote

They are mediocre to bad. It happens sometimes.

That's all there is to it.


Alltwek t1_jab7v6h wrote

>I heard these games we’re getting a lot of hype and anticipation

Were they? I knew these games were going to be moderate disappointments at best from the start. Did nobody else see this coming?

The reason so many games suck nowadays is the same reason movies suck nowadays. They've been corporatized. Studios would rather make a disappointing safe game that makes at least some sort of profit than a riskier game that might be Game of the Year material but is risky and uncertain.

People want to blame capitalism but the real culprit is idiots buying these games before watching reviews or thinking 2 seconds about how lackluster these games are inevitably going to end up being.

They put these games out because they can, and people will pay for them, for whatever reason.


thewalkindude t1_jaba1yb wrote

I think The Calisto Protocol was getting a fair amount of hype. And Forespoken is a different case, in that I don't think it was technically buggy or anything, it just wasn't appealing. All of these games are new IP, which I think is actually relatively risky, as opposed to a safer sequel. Calisto is easily the safest of the 3, because it is so very Dead Space. But these games do continue a trend that has been happening the past couple of years where the larger games are much more disappointing than the smaller ones. Looking at the release period of these games, I can name 5 less big games that I've loved, 2 of which are by Square Enix, the maker of Forspoken.


WhoseverSlinky0 t1_jabb5st wrote

Exactly that. I wish it was easy to just boycott some games, but it's literally impossible in this big world where nobody agrees with nobody. You can make the most boring and uninspired, racist and misogynistic product of all time, made by a company that support and hires neo-nazis and someone or some group will still end up buying it. The reason might stay unknown, but it can be nostalgia, copium, hope, advertising, etc.

Unfortunately pokemon scarlet and violet enjoyers exist and even if this game is steaming hot garbage, they'll buy it, for whatever reason they believe it's worth their money and time


JetGi t1_jabjixg wrote

probably because the average user is like 9 with no opinions just likes pokemon


kittenzrulz123 t1_jab981q wrote

It's only February, I'm sure better games will release this year.


Majestic_Preparation t1_jabep13 wrote

Gamers are easy to manipulate with trailers and spam hype videos on YouTube into preordering.

Smart people always wait few weeks and don’t play games at launch. If you aren’t watching YouTube gaming videos like it’s your religion you don’t have problem with waiting and buying games patched cheaper when biggest issues are resolved.


Z3r0sk1llz t1_jaelmhd wrote

Games are sliding down the same "How can we get as much profit as possible with as little product or effort as possible?" slope as everything else.