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kingofzdom t1_ja44or2 wrote

"were going to destroy a piece of gaming history because people are playing it rather than our soulless, hypermonitized modern remake"


EchoInExile t1_ja44sgk wrote

Is this an actual “our new games suck and everyone insists on playing the old one so we’re gonna do everything we can to hide it and make you play the shitty ones” situation?

Weird philosophy.


StrngBrew OP t1_ja49web wrote

The irony is that by killing the IP with free to play mtx junk, they now need the mtx to survive

Their original game was such a big hit that they made way more off merchandise and licensing than they did from $0.99 (?) game sales. But they’ve squandered all of that with their latest mtx infested iterations. Those have never hit like the original.

That inexpensive and well supported game was this amazing advertisement for this IP empire they built. And then they just killed all of it chasing mtx


Curious_Associate904 t1_ja4h8an wrote

I think they're either already operating at a loss, or are about to be. This is such a clearly money driven move that they've eviscerated their market.


StrngBrew OP t1_ja4p8e6 wrote

They made most of their money off of merchandising and movies, which were popular off the back of the huge hit that the original game was.

The free to play follow ups were never nearly as popular so the merch and movie empire has pretty much collapsed and now they’re just doubling down on the free to play stuff because it’s all they have left.


Fist_The_Lord t1_ja4rtm4 wrote

I just bought Red’s first flight. Fuck them. Fuck MTX. Let’s erase the most predatory era of gaming and get back to full release quality stuff


Idrinkcamelspit t1_ja54p9g wrote

I haven’t played it since like 2011 but still. That’s mid


-DemigodFoxtrot t1_ja5vdh2 wrote

Android users don't forget you can always download it via apk


stiofan84 t1_ja5xx4m wrote

Not like the original was a piece of art or anything. It was a pretty rudimentary mobile game even when it came out.


Heavens10000whores t1_ja637k3 wrote

Once they became content with allowing their ad servers to promote gambling to minors, Rovio have been dirt.


i010011010 t1_ja6ny7s wrote

Worked for Plants vs Zombies. They took a commercial game and injected a bunch of IAP into it. Then when they developed a fully freemium one that was built from ground-up around IAP, they started disappearing the alternative.

At least this proves that if people had the choice, they'd take the pay-once version.


cosmernaut420 t1_ja6xz00 wrote

"For some reason profit isn't eternally rising, so we're going to have to gouge everyone for even more cash" - Angry Pigs, probably


Zayev t1_ja8nq91 wrote

Just checked, not counting the cash shop (which does have some micro transactions) the recently removed, paid app Angry Birds has FOUR buttons going to their other games on the main menu. Four. Madness. All colorful and enticing (besides their logo, that is).