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Beepboopbob1 t1_j5yvbj3 wrote

AR is undeniably the future. Real time information overlaid on every soldiers vision that allows them to coordinate is too useful a capability to ignore.

Of course it is predicated on the technology being sufficiently mature for field use, which it clearly isn't yet. VR is great for training though.


ChronWeasely t1_j5zmn0c wrote

Who didn't see Iron Man and think, "Damn, wish I just had a HUD for life sometimes."

Like you are a block away from your destination, but you are second-guessing the location and don't want to pull out your phone and open up the map. Then you walk another block to discover you went the wrong way about 5 blocks back and have 10 to walk still because you were actually thinking of that other place.

Not based on real life obviously.


EnergySteal-er t1_j5ztum0 wrote

The AR googles include this technology


majiorsamanthacarter t1_j604034 wrote

Then comes the required Ad quotas to watch before you can use features. Or you can subscribe to premium lens!


EnergySteal-er t1_j604e0m wrote

US really is the most advanced military in the world. There’s a lot of black projects of technology not from this world. Just be glad we’re are American


acyclovir31 t1_j61vu8d wrote

I believe it’s called Google maps.


ChronWeasely t1_j61wh7q wrote

"...don't want to pull out your phone and check the map."

Read my comment all the way through. Or even halfway. Then don't comment stupid things.


acyclovir31 t1_j620r1u wrote

It’s ok, it’s not your fault. But imagine, pulling out your phone to check. Lol


Mitthrawnuruo t1_j609kau wrote

The problem is a big chunk of the population can not tolerate AR/VR due to motion sickness. Doesn’t matter how good the tech is, their brain doesn’t play well with it.


_PM_ME_PANGOLINS_ t1_j615iod wrote

AR doesn’t cause motion sickness. There’s no way it could.


DarthBuzzard t1_j631pa4 wrote

It can definitely cause nausea with today's tech. That was one of the complaints for HoloLens IVAS in military testing.


Beepboopbob1 t1_j60arw7 wrote

This goes away after a few sessions for the vast majority of people.


[deleted] t1_j606ia3 wrote

AR needs to stop being interpreted as a heads up display. A direct brain integration via ABI is loads better than visual data that must be noticed and processed.


crane476 t1_j60925f wrote

You're right, AR can be much more than just a heads up display. However, a direct brain interface is even farther away than mainstream AR, which is already at least 5-10 years away, and unless it can be done without directly implanting a device into your brain, 99.9% of people aren't going to use it.

I'm currently skeptical on how feasible a direct brain interface is. It's most likely going to be very invasive, and who knows if it will be better than just really good eye tracking and hand gesture recognition for navigating interfaces.