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thinwhiteduke1185 t1_j5k70nt wrote

Yeah, no they don't. You have some rose colored glasses regarding what PS2 games actually looked like.


Chao78 t1_j5k84kf wrote

No kidding. PS2 is -rough-.

Art direction counted for a hell of a lot more too, which I vastly prefer. I don't care about ultra-high-poly photoreal stuff, give me things that are aesthetically pleasing.


TiempoPuntoCinco t1_j5k7gp3 wrote

Shadow of colossus HD (not the Bluepoint remake) for the PS3 looks better than almost any switch game outside of some first party titles. I obviously wasn't being 100% literal.


Youvebeeneloned t1_j5kdndb wrote

No you are just completely batshit....


AthearCaex t1_j5kvnt0 wrote

They probably just saw a couple pixel games and went "The switch looks like shit." The switch even in handheld is 720p and 1080p docked. The PS2 did 480p MAX. There might not be a difference in their eyes. Anything not 4k60FPS is garbage to some people