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Bl-wulf t1_j5ft99v wrote

I sense wearable Skyrim in my future.


AnnoyedVelociraptor t1_j5fu0q1 wrote

Your phone can run Skyrim.


TizonaBlu t1_j5fxx7p wrote

Ya, people don't realize how old skyrim is, and/or how fast phones are nowadays.


lessthanperfect86 t1_j5gbzq4 wrote

Goodness. It came out 2011. At this rate, it'll likely have gone 15 years until we see TES VI. I really can't understand why they don't employ parallel teams to make their flagship games. I wouldn't mind if they tried to milk out the series a little bit more (not that elderscrolls online crap, that shit ain't canon), over a decade is way too long.


SonderEber t1_j5gmxqd wrote

15 years post Skyrim seems way too soon. Iirc, Bethesda said they haven’t even started developed of ES6.

Maybe 25 years after Skyrim, we’ll get a Skyrim remaster, and 10 years after that we’ll get ES6, but it’ll be streaming only.


Xanthis t1_j5grgcm wrote

They had to have started some development since they released a teaser a while back


kenriko t1_j5gym4y wrote

Todd Howard was on the Lex Friedman podcast. They are in development but not the full team is on it yet.


PiXLANIMATIONS t1_j5kkudd wrote

Yeah a teaser which any decent editors and VFX artists or devs with 2 minutes on Unreal could smack together. I’ll trust their dev team once I see either cinematic trailers or even a clay render of a single environment


rabbit358 t1_j5gom6g wrote

I really wouldn't expect ES6 this century, they wouldn't rush a game like this of course.


PiXLANIMATIONS t1_j5kl8yr wrote

Fun fact: Cyberpunk 2077 has a reference to ES6. Jackie says in a piece of lore that “my grand pops was super hyped for a new game or something. Can’t remember what is was called, but it ain’t out so it must’ve been bad. Haha. Hey V, if you ever find yourself in one of those old-timey game rental places, try and figure which one it is for me, eh?”

So even in 2077 they haven’t released it


rabbit358 t1_j5m1n29 wrote

How do you know it was in reference to es6? Sounds more like HL3 to me.


Napkin_whore t1_j5jfn7f wrote

I think the apocalypse will have come by then and we’ll be “playing” Fallout instead


SarahVeraVicky t1_j5gwtxw wrote


Sadly there will always be some random "devil's advocates"/"rabid fans"/"corporate dogs" that will always be on their side, saying many of their loved reasons:

  • "People will still buy it anyways"
  • "They're making a shitton of money, why would they change that?"
  • "Look at how many awards Skyrim got, so you have zero right"
  • "It's a AAA game, it requires all that time and effort"
  • "You don't run the company"
  • [my 'favorite'] "They have to maximize their profits, it's REQUIRED BY LAW" [no it's not.]

At the end of the day, I would prefer:

  • Games announced at most 1 year before release
  • Decent profit, aim to spread the game so more people can enjoy it, not trying to squeeze every last cent.

rpkarma t1_j5h0fqd wrote

People seriously misunderstand fiduciary duty lol


SarahVeraVicky t1_j5kuxb0 wrote

The key part is to 'act in the best interests of [the company]'. Maybe loss leaders helps build the user base, or helping another company means building a future portfolio that spreads the influence of the company. Both of these would be seen as a death sentence if "maximize profit" was the only goal.

It could be argued that killing the company for a single quarter's highest profits could be seen as an act against the best interests of the company, but proving that can be impossible (unless the person in charge ends up parachuting out immediately afterwards, and even then they would have to have some hard proof against them.)


Yes_I_Fuck_Foxes t1_j5hl8pz wrote

The Switch is a phone from seven years ago.


-Badger2- t1_j5iaror wrote

Yeah, anything the Switch can run, your phone could probably run it better.


PiXLANIMATIONS t1_j5kkmr7 wrote

Only issue with porting Skyrim would be buttons, but I suppose since most people own some form of console controller (XBOX is the best for this btw), that wouldn’t be an issue. I’d love to see an iPhone of the highest scale play through, especially if it used VRR to scale power consumption. And hey, if Bethesda can’t do it, you fucking know a modder will


colossusrageblack t1_j5fwuwp wrote

I think the rule anymore is generally if it can run on a Switch it can probably run on your phone.


thrownawaymane t1_j5g9rva wrote

Phones these days are generally fast enough to emulate the switch, we’re far beyond that


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j5g2aav wrote

I don't think anymore is the word you're looking for.

It would make more sense in a context like "The rule that phones can't run Switch games is not valid anymore."


mrzaius t1_j5gm1nr wrote


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j5gmp4w wrote

That's pretty cool. Didn't know some dialects use it. Thanks for the info!


bibblode t1_j5gnkm3 wrote

I never knew about this! Thank you for this information.


Bibble4Shitz t1_j5gsdnl wrote

Wow, you must feel on top of the world. What a champion.


SCPH-1000 t1_j5gpcbs wrote

Original Skyrim requirements:

  • Processor: Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent processor.

  • Memory: 2GB System RAM.

  • 6GB Storage

Yeah, think my phone could handle that. Hell, my Watch could nearly handle that.


Xanthis t1_j5grjga wrote

Dual core x86 is a fair bit different from dual core ARM


SCPH-1000 t1_j5grxy9 wrote

Maybe, but my phone has a Hexa-core (2x 3.46 GHz Everest + 4x 2.02 GHz Sawtooth) CPU so it’d be smoking that 2 core x86 without breaking a sweat


Wide-Rooster-751 t1_j5iepiu wrote

Not in Skyrim, which won't use your six cores but will limit you to what ever performance one of your ARM cores provide


Xanthis t1_j5ipyq2 wrote

Sure your device might have a fair bit of horsepower, but also keep in mind that skyrim isn't capable of using ARM cpus without hardware emulation (currently) which adds SIGNIFICANT overhead. Not only that, but it wouldn't be able to use more than one cpu core. As for which one, your guess is as good as mine.

Also cellphone ARM cpus don't have layer 2 or layer 3 cache, and some don't even have layer 1 cache. This alone is enough to basically negate any possibility of a cellphone running desktop workloads.

You also didn't account for any performance required to actually render things. The cpu on the phone may be capable of the simulation calculations, but it straight up doesn't have the horsepower to do those AND render the simulation.

There's a reason that phone cpus draw 5W at the most and even basic power efficient laptops have a minimum TDP of 15W. A significant amount of that power is going to fetch actions to and from the various caches on the cpu.


YTP_Mama_Luigi t1_j5irp99 wrote

Everything you just said is completely wrong.

  • Skyrim is on the switch, which is Arm based.

  • Basically every modern SoC has a ton of cache, L1/2/3. The A14 in my phone has 192+128KB L1 per Firestone core, and 8MB L2 shared.

  • “Render the simulation”? This is a video game we’re talking about here, not folding@home. All phones have had some kind of 3D GPU for over a decade now. The ones in flagships now already far exceed 360/PS3.

  • Phones still reach high performance levels despite their power limits.


Iintl t1_j5ij2eb wrote

The Apple M1 proved that ARM cores can outpace x86 in terms of performance. Not sure why you’d think ARM chips are inherently weaker or less capable of gaming than x86


Xanthis t1_j5ip72l wrote

The apple M1 is a VERY different beast from the ARM device here. It has a significantly increased number of instruction sets supported, as well as is capable of x86 and amd64 emulation. While you can absolutely run windows 10arm on one of these, you will be significantly limited to what software is designed for ARM.

We deal with the surface Pro X a lot at work, and getting something as simple as a printer driver to work consistently a ROYAL PITA. And those are devices that DO have x86 and AMD64 (Win11) emulation built right in. Running something like as complex physics engine is a total different ballgame. While it most definitely can be done, it requires the cpu to do a huge amount more work because it has to emulate a different architecture since most physics engines don't support ARM in the slightest.

I'm not saying its not possible with any ARM chip, I'm just saying its extremely unlikely with that one. Even if you could get it to run without crashing (good luck, skyrim is crashy on a good day), you would be looking at a sideshow.


Iintl t1_j5isg6w wrote

There are already many games that run well on Windows 11 VM on M1/M2 (Parallels Desktop). For example the Witcher 3, and funnily enough, Skyrim (1080p medium runs at 60fps reportedly). So that's just not true. In any case, performance issues is not a result of the ARM architecture pre se, but rather the fact that PC games are designed with x86 in mind only. If Skyrim were to be converted to Unreal Engine or Unity, for example, it would run very well on ARM devices.

Edit: Can’t believe I forgot about it, but the Switch literally has Skyrim available. And the Switch is an ARM-based chip with a “mobile” CPU/GPU, with 2015-grade performance. Modern mobile processors like the Apple A16 or Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 easily offer 2~3x the CPU/GPU performance


Emu1981 t1_j5kgy89 wrote

>Switch literally has Skyrim available.

Skyrim is not a good example for this though. Skyrim had it's ten year anniversary 2 years ago. This means that the "2015-grade performance" is actually 2 generations ahead of what was available when Skyrim released.


barjam t1_j5jbwsr wrote

Skyrim already runs fine on low end arm devices (Nintendo switch).

The switch at this point is basically the same as an entry level cell phone.


Emu1981 t1_j5kgg4k wrote

>The Apple M1 proved that ARM cores can outpace x86 in terms of performance.

And a lot of the performance wins are due to the ASICs on the SoC instead of actual core performance. ASICs will always outperform general purpose processors because they are specially designed to do a certain task well instead of doing everything ok.


FD4L t1_j5gt8nd wrote

I run skyrim on my light-up shoes.


percydaman t1_j5gb26c wrote

Yeah, well soon your credit card will be able to as well.


banananananbatman t1_j5gfuvx wrote

I want to see doom run on those new credit cards that have the lcd display for the security digits


IsildursBane20 t1_j5jgx35 wrote

If only iOS would open up to more games. I’d love fallout or Skyrim on my phone. Best I have so far is KOTOR


_91919 t1_j5g02bb wrote

>..although I suspect the main draw is that the form factory is close enough to the Raspberry Pi Model B that it could be used as a drop-in replacement in some situations

Something that "just works" on a Raspberry Pi will take days/weeks of debugging to get working on a Radxa board. Maybe they are better now but I still have PTSD from using a Radxa board years ago. Can't beat the RPI ecosystem.


GatoradeNipples t1_j5g5lsu wrote

As I understand it, this is more interesting for manufacturers than for end users.

If you've been paying attention to the whole emulator handheld ecosystem (Anbernic, Miyoo, Retroid, etc), most of those run on Rockchip SOCs. A new Rockchip SOC coming out means there's gonna be a solid power jump in what those are capable of, which means we might finally see widely-available emulator handhelds that can do PS2 and Gamecube without issues.


Jon_TWR t1_j5h3at2 wrote

> widely-available emulator handhelds

The Steam Deck?


GatoradeNipples t1_j5h3s7k wrote

Stuff like the Steam Deck and GPDWin and etc is kind of its own separate class from what I'm talking about.

The devices I'm referring to are generally very small, top out around $200ish in price, generally manufactured in China, and specifically geared towards playing retro games (usually running some variant of EmulationStation or a home-rolled libretro frontend, with a select few having a proper OS of their own or running Android). As it stands, these basically top out at Dreamcast and PSP (and some games in either library don't run very well).


Jon_TWR t1_j5hl16t wrote

I mean, yes…but Steam Deck is $400, and can emulate through the PS3/Xbox 360/Switch.

Some games might have some issues, and I could be wrong but I feel like it’ll be a while before an ARM SBCcatches up to the power/tdp of the Steam Deck.


jay9e t1_j5hqzkg wrote

The steam deck is also pretty huge tho. The form factor is not quite the same.


AkechiFangirl t1_j5ine70 wrote

Well he said tops out at $200ish in price but that is the absolute max. Most of the market is in the 50-100 dollar range and imo they don't compete with the steam deck. Something the size of the DMG Gameboy (or, in the case of some of the mini handhelds like the Miyoo mini, the size of a Gameboy cartridge) with excellent battery life is simply not in the same product category as the Steam Deck. Sure, the Deck can emulate a few of the more recent consoles (as well as y'know, PC games) but it is absolutely massive, has a battery life of like, 5 hours max if you're playing NES games or whatever, and this one is personal taste but the dpad kinda sucks for retro games. Like, it's usable but I don't really want to play any platformers on it.


RiderExMachina t1_j5j70pk wrote

The main difference here is that the emulator handhelds the other person is talking about run ARM CPUs where the Steam Deck is still using an x86_64 processor.


QuerulousPanda t1_j5h7r3x wrote

All those little handheld emulators look sweet as hell these days, but I don't understand why, despite technology improving steadily and cpus getting better and more efficient all the time, they're always underpowered.


talkstoaliens t1_j5i4p1l wrote

Why do you say they are underpowered? I’ve got several anbernic handhelds and I’m always impressed by what they can emulate. Some systems actually require a legit gaming computer to emulate the games, but that’s not a hit against the handhelds. Steam Deck is an emulation powerhouse for the price though.


QuerulousPanda t1_j5i98ea wrote

I've been getting ads for ambernic and powkiddy handhelds and they look pretty great, with some great features, etc. I can absolutely see the appeal but they're also a bit too expensive to be worth taking the risk on.

By underpowered though I mean even going back to the dingoo a320, they've always underdelivered. You can't be sure sound will work, the emulators cant hit framerates, they offer support for many consoles but a bunch are "just barely", and even though performance and capacity has increased vastly, whenever I check out video reviews, I see games struggling to run properly.

It's just weird, it feels like they're always using bottom of the barrel components that appear to have decent specs, but just aren't up to the right level.


AkechiFangirl t1_j5inslo wrote

A lot of the issues you're describing can probably be attributed to the stock firmware. For whatever reason the manufacturers of these devices ship them with firmware on it that functions and manages to do little else.

There are a lot of community options (depending on the device of course) that make them far easier to use and in some cases more performant too.

Yes, they can be a little pricey but for less than 100 bucks you can probably fit it in your budget. If you can't, well, the device you're using reddit on can probably also emulate games, so, you can get your fix that way.


VexingRaven t1_j5iefct wrote

Didn't modern PCs still struggle with some PS2 titles even just a few years ago? It was never an issue with my specs but I always heard a lot of titles were unplayable on anything but a high end gaming PC, and although that was quite a few years ago I doubt the new Rockchip is going toe to toe with even a 6 year old gaming PC.


AkechiFangirl t1_j5io2h6 wrote

Well part of the answer to that is simply Moore's law, computers have just gotten faster and more efficient in 6 years, the other is that PS2 emulators themselves have had some great progress lately.

Here's some gameplay on a $150 android handheld, see for yourself.


VexingRaven t1_j5ioieo wrote

Moore's Law or not these systems still don't (quite) stack up against the PCs I would've been playing PS2 games on at the time. I was unaware, however, of just how far PS2 emulation has come. Might have to give it a poke again sometime.


AkechiFangirl t1_j5ioxdv wrote

What I meant was that it is a part of it, but yeah definitely the majority of the difference is in the quality of the emulators.


GatoradeNipples t1_j5jnagd wrote

PS2 has had a lot of rapid advancement in emulation over the past few years; there's still some problem titles (MGS2/3, the Ace Combat series, the God of War series) that require extra beef to get to fullspeed, plus a few games like Silent Hill 2 and 3 that are a little glitchy regardless of your hardware unless you enable workarounds, but past that, if you have a quad-core that's either Haswell or later (for Intel) or running on some form of Zen (for AMD), and an even halfway decentish GPU, you can run 95% of the library fullspeed without issues.


Green0Photon t1_j5gz2ki wrote

Imagine if everything was upstream Linux and used UEFI/EBBR to boot and interact with firmware. Then we wouldn't have to deal with weirdo quirky systems and people could actually use these boards with confidence.

It's just that RPI is so popular that its quirks can be worked around and that it can be mostly upstreamed.


cAtloVeR9998 t1_j5h55fq wrote

It may not be SystemReady, but it will capable of running a generic ARM image with a standard ESP setup. Though the catch is, you need to flash the SPI ROM first. This means either plugging it into a different machine, booting it up into firmware flashing mode (maskrom), and using rkdeveloptool to flash the image. Or boot their custom image off a microSD card or eMMC module and flash from there. You can do that now that on the Rock Pi 4 (running the RK3399). Everything has been upstreamed too my knowledge. Rockchip is currently in the process of up-streaming support for the RK3588(S), so it will be some months until a purely generic ARM OS will be bootable. Though in both their provided images, and in a generic ARM OS, it may be advantages to apply their provided device tree overlays (eg, switch the default PCIe Gen 1 to Gen 2. Support for some Raspberry peripherals).


Green0Photon t1_j5h8jbc wrote


These mag have quite a shot, then!

And maybe someone will be smart enough to sell them preflashed.


cAtloVeR9998 t1_j5hl796 wrote

Also note that with the SPI firmware installed, NVMe booting “just works”


shying_away t1_j5gilvu wrote

since rpi4's are impossible to get the last couple years, I'll take anything if it'll run some octoprint and klipper.


ocp-paradox t1_j5h1o0k wrote

I remember when the pi came out and it was supposed to be this super duper cheap mini pc board and now you're looking at £150 for a 4gb model 4. At that point I ask myself what am I even doing.


Alundra828 t1_j5hit5z wrote

Hey, at least you didn't buy a 14 node server rack cluster, and kit it out with 2 pi's to test it and then tell yourself "I'll buy the other 12 soon™".

Why must you torture me economy. Why


hoffbaker t1_j5gjkgo wrote

I just set up Octoprint and Klipper on a Le Potato Libre board this morning! $35 and seems to be working well so far for that particular use-case. Compared to RPi MSRP, not a great deal, but for actual prices… no integrated Wi-Fi is the biggest downside.


SCP_5009 t1_j5h6kzq wrote

I just got a Le potato! It’s pretty great for what I use it for (streaming movies/tv)


lart2150 t1_j5gs1zx wrote

There are a lot of cheap i5-6500T pc's on ebay and unlike a RP4 they came with a ssd, case, powersupply.


TheRogueMoose t1_j5h4eza wrote

Much higher power consumption then any SBC though. Would be a neat way to run multiple printers though. Throw up some VM's and pass through some usb ports


devolute t1_j5izpr9 wrote

I'm reading here and there that 'much' isn't always all that true. Be nice to have real figures.


lart2150 t1_j5jyhor wrote

Most of them a power supply that maxes out at 120w vs the pi4 with its 15w power supply. My guess is at idle usage would likely be around 30w so still a decent amount above a pi but still cheap to run 24x7.


imanze t1_j5mwwr3 wrote

Numbers are a bit off, for example an rpi4 will idle around 2.875 watts and peak around 6.4 watts ( ) compare this with a NUC NUC6i5SYK that idles around 10 watts and peaks to around 50 watt ( )

Let’s say you are at idle 80% of the time and peak for 20%, should be around 18 watts for the nuc and 3.58 watt for the rpi4. Typically if you are running some sort of service you will need to run this 24/7, and let’s take an example electrical cost (mine) of 24 cents per kwh for electrical with distribution fee. That’s around $3.11 per month or $37 per year for the NUC or 62 cents per month / or 7.44 per year for the rpi.

Now don’t get me wrong there are applications for both but with how many various systems I already have it’s not a insignificant difference depending on application.


thecraigbert t1_j5jwgkv wrote

Yeah, windows PC versus a near universal computer that can be almost whatever you need it to be.


AkirIkasu t1_j5vb8ww wrote

If you just want octoprint, just look in someone's junk drawer for an old android phone and install octo4a.

Unfortunately there isn't a simelar project that would make running Klipper as easy as this. You probably can do it, but it would require a lot more skill and knowledge.


Igotz80HDnImWinning t1_j5hbdb5 wrote

Don’t forget about raspberry pi foundation hiring a cop on mastodon. Buzzfeed article about it


seklerek t1_j5hjzor wrote

wow that article is the definition of overreaction


pilchard_slimmons t1_j5j9axf wrote

They hired someone with a lot of relevant expertise and people are losing their minds because he used to be a cop. That article is ... just trash.

Looking at the actual post on rpi:

>“I used to be a police officer tackling serious organised crime and terror threats across the east of the UK,” Toby tells us

and the people in the BS BF article are extrapolating that as somehow being anti-protester and lamenting that his hiring is somehow "pro cop". Wild stuff.


firearms_wtf t1_j5gchxn wrote

I can’t wait for this to only be available to YouTubers and tech influencers while we get fleeced on the secondary market!


greenappletree t1_j5fz243 wrote

This little thing packs more oomph than full blown pc — crazy


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j5g2m9t wrote

Maybe from the year 2005.

But that's true of almost all modern phones.

My Galaxy Fold Z3 probably outperforms my 2004 Celeron 1.5ghz with 512 mb RAM computer.

Actually, it might have had 2.5 ghz. I can't remember. It was a Celeron D.


farmdve t1_j5ga98j wrote

2.66Ghz. Don't ask me how I remember this from 2006.


justdrowsin t1_j5gf2xk wrote

Oh yeah? I remember springing for the math co-processor on my 486 when I upgraded from my 386. Doom worked so damn good after that.


alternate_ending t1_j5gs352 wrote

flips the turbo switch and boots up DOS


justdrowsin t1_j5gzoep wrote

Why would I flip up the turbo switch? It makes all my games mess up and run too fast.


Purpoisely_Anoying_U t1_j5geyvh wrote

I get the reasoning behind it, but it's still wild we hit 1ghz in around 2000, then 2ghz just a few years later and have pretty much stayed there since for practically everything.

I remember the mhz/ghz wars just ramping up like Moore's law and then it suddenly stopped.


Comfortable_History8 t1_j5gj9ni wrote

Multi-core multi-thread wars started up about the time the GHz wars ended along with a huge amount of processing for gaming being offloaded to dedicated GPU’s


[deleted] t1_j5gjfix wrote



Purpoisely_Anoying_U t1_j5gk66u wrote

If you asked me back in 2000 seeing the movement from 20mhz to 100mhz to 1ghz in relatively short time I'd figure we'd be at 15ghz by now and 128gb memory


Emu1981 t1_j5kk4mx wrote

>then 2ghz just a few years later and have pretty much stayed there since for practically everything.

*looks at the base speed of 3.6GHz and max boost of 5GHz at stock of his 12700k*.

The wall CPUs hit in terms of frequency was 5GHz-6GHz. Silicon just doesn't like going past those clock speeds without pulling a ton of power and producing a butt load of heat.


impreprex t1_j5glubv wrote

Hey, does anyone remember the 667mhz PCs? Weren't they supposed to be 666mhz - going along with the numbering convention they used (multiples of 16)?


Space_Olympics t1_j5ga3j1 wrote

I mean pretty obvious. Can a 2004 Celeron run Fortnite, Genshin impact etc? No my phone can at 90ish fps on max settings lmao.


Valmond t1_j5ght5c wrote

So where do you put the cables controlling your 3D printer in your phone?

They are two wildly different use cases.


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j5gnbzb wrote

USB C port.


Valmond t1_j5gyr5b wrote

How would you do that? I mean would you just control the computer controlling the 3D printer or could the phone do the whole job?

I'm actually curious about this because hell yeah even the cheapest phone have so much CPU power, but it seems it's locked (sort of) and you can't just write 10 lines of python (or whatever) to control a stepper motor or three.


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j5gz3xr wrote

I haven't done it, but whatever you can write for raspberry, you can write in Java for Android.


Valmond t1_j5m19ja wrote

I'm talking about how the smartphone would control a 3D printer. How would it do that?


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j5m1vir wrote

A phone is literally a computer. It takes commands and puts out signals. Whatever signals the raspberry pi puts out to the printer, the phone can do through USB.

The machine that's doing it doesn't matter. Phone, desktop, laptop, calculator, pi, Xbox. As long as the right software is there, and the machine is fast enough to do what needs to be done, any device can send out the right signals.

So USB is how you connect it to a printer.


Valmond t1_j5qhsmu wrote

Okay I understand now, I think it boils down to:

"As long as the right software is there"

and your lack of understanding how computers and networks work in general I guess?

Is there a "software" for your phone to control a/my 3D printer? I guess not. Java compiler is a software in itself, as are C/C++ compilers, 3D printer firmware etc. You can technically write it, but that is usually done by either a multi billion company or an open source group of hundreds, thousands of people (I mean you need to use stuff done by others to get your thing running).

Also, how do you hook your phone up to the 3D printer? It won't happen by itself.

You are right in theory, but not in practice I'd say!




HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j5qmkdn wrote

Imagine telling a software engineer that he "doesn't know how computers work". That's adorable.


Valmond t1_j5v1i67 wrote

Most don't so ...

Or think like just because they have a general idea if how things work, they know the nitty gritty details. Actually we all do that from time to time, but I have coded j2me on mobile phones for a couple of years, I have also used and modified C code for my 3D printer (I'm a senior C/C++ dev) so I think I'm not completely off the track. But I mean I still wait for you to show me how you'd hook a smartphone up to control a 3Dprinter. I mean it surely is possible, maybe easy, maybe very costly, but the burden of proof lies on you, not me, IMO.


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j5v6047 wrote

Literally just get a USB cable that is designed to interface with the printer. Whatever the printer uses to interface with a raspberry pi - just plug it into your phone and there you go. I don't know what you use to connect your raspberry to your printer. Is it USB? Then connect that to your phone the same way. Is it that one weird set of pins (GPIO I think?) - then get a GPIO to USB connector.

The burden of proof isn't on me; this isn't an official Lincoln Douglass debate or cross examine debate. It's just a conversation. I hacked my PS3 with a TI89 a while back. Because the TI89 provided some code that emulated a factory reset dongle's output.

The PS3 didn't care what was providing the code. It just wanted to receive the code. I could have done that with a PC. A phone. A raspberry pi. A custom made dongle. Maybe even an analog to digital signal piano if the PS3 didn't time out on my inputs.


Valmond t1_j5yci8i wrote

Okay, please show me the java code controlling the 3D printer now :-) You see, it's possible but not easily feasable.


stromm t1_j5gmmzw wrote

If something had the depth and width of a credit card, but is one hundred feet tall, it would still be referred to as “credit card sized”.


Tdabp t1_j5h65hs wrote

I don't know what kinda credit card you got where you're from but I assure you.. that ain't no credit card sized sbpc


bloodguard t1_j5ghxox wrote

Looks good as long is it doesn't have a crappy RealTek Ethernet chip.


Myl0high t1_j5ka6a5 wrote

Like a raspberry pi but in stock?


davidlpower t1_j5gymp6 wrote

That all sounds great but I’m sure it’ll be impossible to put your hands on one.


wicktus t1_j5ha0pv wrote

Rpi shines with software and community support rather than hardware and price imo but, for me, for most Rpi use cases, an alternative board can really do the trick.

Only maybe in robotic/education where you really need strong support for GPIO/sensors libraries you'd be better off with a pi.


SherHilSom t1_j5izpha wrote

How does this processor compare to the rpi4b?


GodtheAstronaut t1_j5hr364 wrote

I have the rockpi-4b and it has been a champ. I have one running Pi-hole on my network, and another that is my astrophotography computer. The only complaint I have had is with regards to shipping time but other than that it has been great


nowonmai t1_j5irjwm wrote

How is it for kernel updates? Rockchip have had a not great history in that regard


GodtheAstronaut t1_j5j8x4a wrote

Kernel updates have been fine… I use Armbian as my distro and update it monthly with little to no issues. I’m not religious about checking it every day since the Astrocomputer isn’t connected to the internet. Or the Pi-hole computer I just let it run as is and don’t really mess with it


On2you t1_j5i42w4 wrote

Pi-hole requires almost no resources to run. Such a waste to dedicate and entire piece of hardware to just that.


GodtheAstronaut t1_j5j8n6a wrote

Unfortunately I damaged the Wi-Fi module on the board (the and connector failed) when upgrading the eMMC chip so instead of throwing out the whole system, it was just easier to relegate it to Pi-hole duty


MetroidJunkie t1_j5i4dbc wrote

Dayum, 16GB of RAM on a credit card sized board? My much bigger PC Tower only has that much. XD


sonic10158 t1_j5jb2ql wrote

Who cares, you will not be finding one


PezRystar t1_j5ji1dp wrote

That website name...


fern2k t1_j5gsxxg wrote

What kinda emulation would this be able to handle? I want to order the 8gb model


whurpurgis t1_j5h10x5 wrote

I’ve heard even the beefy RPis can’t do N64, if this can I might upgrade my Retro Pi to a Retro Rad


onewilybobkat t1_j5h3g5f wrote

My raspberry pi 3 had no issues with N64 games, be weird if they lost that ability.


bigjamg t1_j5honij wrote

Is this a good (available) option for making a cheap USB network printer server or is there a better option?


On2you t1_j5i3vyi wrote

Just buy a dedicated print server appliance. They’ve existed since the 90s.


bassclarinetca t1_j5gjkzp wrote

Nah, I want to pay $700 more for a Mac Mini /s


SCPH-1000 t1_j5gqely wrote


Mac Mini M2:

Rockchip rk3588S:

But these $99 or whatever mini computers are still absolutely AMAZING for hobbyist stuff and emulators!l but for $599 that Mac Mini don’t start at a bad price for the speed

The $99 board would handle up through Dreamcast and some PS2 great but that M2 could get you Gamecube, Switch emulation and PS3