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kylexy32 t1_j2t0swh wrote

Some of these I struggle to imagine apple rolling out on stage:

  • Waist mounted Battery?
  • Outward facing display?

Bageezax t1_j2taca6 wrote

Waist battery would be hell for adoption, but offloaded processing and power will def make it more comfortable to wear for those that want to use it.


LairdPopkin t1_j2vftyd wrote

Much lighter head unit improves wearability, which should help actual usage.


Bageezax t1_j2vix08 wrote

Holy crap though… just saw that the msrp is looking like $3000. That’s niche for sure unless they can get cost down, offer leases, or something.


ShadowDV t1_j2x0ciu wrote

I can see it being used in commercial entertainment spaces. Think like laser-tag. Commercial systems already cost minimum 3k per vest. There could be some real interesting use in this space


BILLCLINTONMASK t1_j2w9tka wrote

Businesses will buy it up, but that's about it for the time being.


gamer_bread t1_j2yfnfc wrote

That’s how a lot of things start. It all works it’s way over to the consumer side eventually.


BILLCLINTONMASK t1_j2zjaok wrote

Yeah seems like it will help them in the long run. They don’t need it. So just get it right in small doses then make a consumer grade version when it all works good and they can get the battery smaller


LairdPopkin t1_j2wfpol wrote

For a business / professional targeted AR/VR that’s typical pricing, about the same as units from Microsoft and Quest. I agree it‘s not the consumer market pricing, where the $399 Quest 2 dominates.


jseng27 t1_j2vvyvu wrote

It’s Apple, people will buy it


Veranova t1_j2wcyo0 wrote

Especially if it’s actually very good and can work with PCVR (unlikely on that count I guess)

VR is a bit of a minefield of weak offerings still, so enthusiasts will buy anything that’s an improvement


junkie-xl t1_j44amem wrote

At what point is this still a headset and not an AR suit..


perfectlynormaldude t1_j2tmh10 wrote

Why would the display be outward facing? That doesn’t make any sense


kylexy32 t1_j2tmn1w wrote

In the article they talk about a low refresh rate outward facing display that could show animated faces so that people in real world feel more natural conversing with someone wearing the headset


Fritzschmied t1_j2tx7m9 wrote

Sounds like a shitty gimmick. Who tf would wear a headset like this when talking with other people?


formerly_mousecop t1_j2tzq2i wrote

I mean, most people have a phone handy and often pay more attention to those devices than the person they are talking to. Source, I have 3 teenagers at home.


BILLCLINTONMASK t1_j2w9wx7 wrote

Yeah, this isn't a gadget to sit down alone on your couch and game. It's intended to be a wearable that you can walk around with and interact with others while getting mixed reality info. Like for having meetings and presentations where you can display graphics over your real world landscape.