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byDMP t1_j0kga5k wrote

>I have been paid for my photography for almost 10 years now. I just ditched my full frame for a crop Fuji. There are very few instances where someone is going to notice the difference between full frame and crop.

By the same logic you could probably ditch your crop Fuji setup and replace it with M4/3—there are likewise few instances where someone is going to notice the difference between APS-C and M4/3...


dj-Paper_clip t1_j0m0m64 wrote

Probably could as long as you can find one with enough megapixels for your uses. But the only two cameras that could possibly considered a pro level 4/3rds camera are around $2,000, so it’s not really worth doing, mostly because of the lens options available. Big difference between the crop factors as well, so anyone shooting real wide will have issues finding lenses.

There are more lenses available for Fuji x mount, than all of the 4/3 lenses combined.