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_c_manning t1_j03omdr wrote

Go start a non apple subreddit then. You’re upset that their stories of tech heroism are coming through to public light.

When other manufacturers have such success they too will make the front page. But please make a subreddit to artificially exclude one of the most innovative forces of our day.


welchplug t1_j03r86x wrote


Well you got that part right. There is no proof of this actually occurring.


CptHammer_ t1_j03sl5l wrote

Also reposting a reddit story on reddit laundered through a magazine who has financial interest in "good" Apple news seems like the real point is to get me to click that link.


QueefScentedCandles t1_j03tmnd wrote

You can’t seriously be crediting Apple with “tech heroism” and expecting people to take you seriously in the same comment right? You’re missing an “/s”, right?


Jaystime101 t1_j05wfmo wrote

Not about apple my friend, it’s the fact that REDDIT IS THEIR ONLY SOURCE!