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zoinkability t1_iyjt38t wrote

>The cooling system is called the “AirJet” chip, and it comes from Frore Systems, which has begun collaborating on the technology with Intel.

Or you could, you know, use a more efficient architecture so you don't need all that cooling in the first place. For bonus points you get more battery life.


g-nice4liief t1_iylwkuw wrote

Create one. And make sure it becomes mainstream, is easy to implement. Maybe Risc-V ?


i mean if it was that easy i think we would already have a solution or seen a market switch to a different architecture. Apple came from PowerPC -> Intel -> ARM. It ain't easy creating a architecture. let alone maintain and upgrade it. Even apple with all it's money hasn't created their own architecture. So that should say alot


zoinkability t1_iym82we wrote

If it wasn’t obvious I was referring to ARM


g-nice4liief t1_iymccp6 wrote

ARM won't make the money x86/AMD64 currently make. As long as ARM won't run legacy code bases or libraries, developers won't make the switch.

Even though the M1 and M2 are great chips, they haven't changed much regarding developers switching or abandoning x86/AMD64.

Even though .net 7 has native support for ARM, no developer is going to read 200.000+ lines of code to port .Net 3 or .Net 4 functions to .Net 7. That's the sad reality. There needs to be a breakthrough in ARM so it can execute x86/ARM64 and than we should have a great future regarding power efficiency.


murdok03 t1_iynja00 wrote

You have no idea how much money already goes into fabs and architecture design, you're forgetting AMD Athlon had 100W TDP as well.