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ComCypher t1_iwa8wm5 wrote

OLED is far superior to anything else out there right now but burn-in continues to be a concern. My next TV (probably in a few years) will hopefully be a Micro LED which has all of the advantages of OLED and none of the downsides.


fingerfight t1_iwauy83 wrote

Burn in is a problem if you do the same thing over and over again.

Like playing a game.

For movies and TV series burn-in is not a big concern.


WhenPantsAttack t1_iwbim1m wrote

Modern sets from reputable brands have all but gotten rid of burn in. If you have logo detection on, it will find static pixels in the display and dim them so they won't burn in. So far it seems to work on static TV logos in the corner and UI's like video games.


ComCypher t1_iwavyxi wrote

Agreed. The only stuff burned into my OLED TV right now are UIs from a couple video games. Fortunately I don't notice them unless there are solid colors being displayed.


R_eloade_R t1_iwbfh2g wrote

Makes me wonder, what do you play and how often?

I have a Lg B9 from 3 to 4 years ago. It’s on every day and a play mostly games on it. Thousands of hours of Warzone, FIFA, Overwatch but still…. No burn in whatsoever when I do a burn in test. I do see the UI for just a little bit when switching games but that goes away in seconds


ComCypher t1_iwc8vgy wrote

It sounds like you are describing ghosting which is normal. I have an LG E6 (2016) so it doesn't have the anti burn-in features that the newer ones have. I had it on 100% OLED brightness up until last year when I started noticing the degradation, so now I keep it at 80%. It now has burn-in showing BOTW's hearts in the top left, Splatoon 2's matchmaking screen on the right half, and some strange perfectly vertical bar down the center that I can't explain. I've played both a decent amount but not anything that would be considered abnormal or excessive.

Edit: I just remembered I had posted a picture of it on reddit last year:

The Splatoon matchmaking screen (and other Splatoony stuff) is burned into my OLED TV


Rotflmaocopter t1_ix1o5m0 wrote

Not my experience with the C1. I have used it for a year as my desktop computer for work and play. No burn in yet


Ragnar_Dragonfyre t1_iwbyzm6 wrote

Gamers tend to upgrade their TVs every generation so as to take advantage of new display features.

The burn in is a big problem.


jdmachogg t1_iwb8d1g wrote

Burn-in isn’t an issue on the newer OLEDs. Unless you leave some shitty news channel or a desktop running for literally 24hours a day 7 days a week.

Playing 6 hours of the same game every day doesn’t even come close to burn-in


joombaga t1_iwq4iky wrote

I've had a c1 for a few years and have no burn in at all. Now I'm using a c2 as a monitor for programming ~8 hours per day. It's only been 3 months, but no issues so far, with logo detection on low. There's another feature that slightly moves every pixel, but that causes the edges of the screen to get chopped off which is annoying so I disabled it.


crixusin t1_iwa9972 wrote

I think the consensus at the moment is that quantum dot oled is better, but basically I distinguishable right now and not worth the price difference.


superseriousraider t1_iwb2amb wrote

I have a 5 year old LG oled that I have used extensively, (basically 100% of the covid years).

Burn in is not a problem.


shepanator t1_iwb02lf wrote

It will probably be more than a few years before micro led is viable for consumer level products


SupVFace t1_iwcd4vc wrote

Depending on what you mean by consumer level, microLED isalready available, just not at pricing for us mere mortals.


shepanator t1_iwddyc4 wrote

I guess there's no strict definition for what qualifies as 'consumer level', but I'd argue that what is basically 219" of commercial signage in somebody's living room doesn't count lmao


lilrexy t1_iwbm0it wrote

When is Micro LED gonna be available for the consumer (price wise)?


ComCypher t1_iwc95y4 wrote

I'm being somewhat optimistic when I say a few years, but realistically it will probably be another decade.