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ram1583 t1_itsrj4w wrote

I went to several cardiologists who didn’t interpret my ekg readings correctly. Apple Watch told me I had an issue and needed to go to emergency room. I listened and they admitted me right away after discovering I had grade 3 heart block and had to get a pace maker put in. So yeah. At this point I trust gadgets better then some cardiologists.


Mitthrawnuruo t1_itsw1xh wrote

A third degree hard block is pretty obvious. Any ER doc, paramedic, or cardiologist could recognize it.

I suspect strongly, that you were not in a third degree block when they took the EKGs. Heart rhythms can be variable.


dsmklsd t1_itujqgs wrote

Doesn't that still kind of prove the point though? A device that is watching (heh) 24 hours a day can catching things that a point in time reading can't?


extremely_impolite t1_itwtcb6 wrote

My own experience with doctors tells me that the problem likely existed, and the doctors he saw didn't take him seriously and pushed him out the door with a "just get some rest".