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OmNomCakes t1_iscy7r2 wrote

Gauge your audience my dude. These people have no idea how or why tech works. They likely get upset when a phone app wants permission to calls thinking it's listening to them. See the Alexa comment above, they're referencing Alexa having to listen to things that aren't Alexa to know when you say Alexa.

And if you try to explain how software works you're a 'shill'. God forbid you show them how to monitor the actual physical traffic from the devices so they can see for themselves. They'd just say the device must be hiding it!

Probably the same people that say Google ads suck because all they show them is gay porn.


[deleted] t1_ishg72s wrote



OmNomCakes t1_ishoq0e wrote

I honestly don't use and hate Facebook. That's beside the point. The second anyone has a different opinion than you they MUST be a shill. God forbid someone see things differently or know more than you. I assume it's a defense mechanism to protect your ego.


[deleted] t1_isi3mql wrote



OmNomCakes t1_isi6ql8 wrote

See, there goes that ego again. Gotta try to make yourself feel and believe you're better than everyone else. Gotta try to talk down to everyone else. What an alpha.


Can you imagine someone keeping their same opinion throughout one whole thread over one whole day? And not saying things off subject?! The nerve. Oh well, I guess if the guy only talks about Facebook in a post about Facebook and doesn't concede to your beliefs he must be a shill. The guy posts plenty of shit that isn't pro-facebook related, and most of his comments here aren't facebook related but general tech, software, and hardware related.


But I'm going to go ahead and block you so you can get over it and go back to your closed minded better-than-thou mentality.