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MasonicManx2 t1_irsxrjg wrote

I am seeing a lot of people say to use geo-fencing to block Amusement Parks, but am I the only person who uses the cubbies in Amusement Parks? My Phone is never in my pocket on a rollercoaster, Am I truly alone in this?


DumbFox_ t1_irt8l11 wrote

Yeah I’m freaked out by the number of people having their phone on them when riding amusements - I’ve seen teens whip out their phones to film the craziest shit while been flipped and spinned l by a ride at crazy g-forces lol

My local theme park has a wall of shame of smashed phones they’ve collected as a deterrent but it clearly doesn’t work that well!


LivePond t1_irt8n6y wrote

No, I can't trust that my large iphone won't slide out of my pocket during a flip either. The iwatch on the other hand shouldn't be an issue.


atypicalseattlite t1_irtepyk wrote

I never use cubbies and leave my phone in a zippered pocket when I go on rides. Less hassle getting on and off the ride and I don't have to worry about my phone being taken.


raxreddit t1_iruyamn wrote

I definitely have my phone in my pocket when I go on a coaster. My phone doesn't slide out of my pockets.

Having a phone is super useful since you spend the first 95% of the "ride" in line. Having your phone to pass the time, lookup ride information, contact other ppl, etc. is just plain useful.