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rickg t1_irfkmui wrote

If they want to PREDICT they'll need to scan an otherwise healthy person without heart disease and then give odds on that person developing heart issues. Otherwise they're not predicting risk, they're diagnosing current health.


Sirisian t1_irfm6ho wrote

Not necessarily. A lot of health complications start as subtle symptoms that grow. With enough independent data it's possible to extrapolate current blood vessel configurations with future states. That is even though a lot of samples are different people there's a transition from "good" to "bad" states that should be detectable at certain points. Just reading the current health might be enough to determine if one is on the slope toward bad health by identifying features in the blood vessels that aren't in healthy sample.

Being able to do very detailed scans like they are seems to give them this level of features to make these predictions. That said you're probably right. Having scans over time from the same individuals would probably help even more with seeing any good/bad transitions.


Jatzy_AME t1_irfyty0 wrote

Doesn't matter. If they want to train the algo to detect early signs, they need longitudinal data (image of retina long enough before potential diagnosis). Collecting such data will take time, by definition, so they won't be able to extend to wider population soon. In any case, I'd be very careful with claims of AI diagnoses. There are many many ways to hide bs in these project.


qtqtc t1_irg7c5y wrote

I'm waiting now, till sponsors of the research saying things like: "and now put that into a blockchain!"