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monkeyman1947 t1_j9ysxja wrote

Ok, but I know a music producer that, on visits, drags his iMac Pro to and from his parents home in Maryland.


throwawaygreenpaq t1_j9zzecp wrote

I read MacBook Pro five times and wondered what was wrong with dragging it to Maryland.


LateTripper t1_j9zxbpo wrote

Gotta level up to that m2 chip. The upgraded air is more than powerful enough for music applications now.


monkeyman1947 t1_ja09lrv wrote

It’s not an issue of ‘power’. His iMax Pro has plenty of power to edit multiple streams of music. The issue is having a compatible monitor (to include a built in camera). I suspect a smaller M1 iMac would work as well but with a lot less viewing ‘real estate’.