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AnBearna t1_j841lvt wrote

The fact that people are forced into smaller and smaller apartments these days is a factor as well. There isn’t the space to have 4 big box machines for your home lab, so you buy cloud storage and a couple NUC’s instead.


Strais t1_j847mmg wrote

Is that a problem for literally anyone cause it sounds made up on the spot.


AnBearna t1_j889173 wrote

I pay over a grand a month in Dublin for a box bedroom in a house with 3 others. No, I am not an outlier, no I cannot magic more space for my homelab. It’s NUC’s/Pi’s, or nothing.

This is a common problem in Ireland. Too many people in Dublin, and the houses/apartments are small.


itb206 t1_j84ienf wrote

Clearly you don't live in NYC or SF, where even if you wanted to be a tech enthusiast unless you're shelling out 4+ grand every month you won't have the space.


Strais t1_j855vgj wrote

No big cities suck and suburbs suck worse. Go find a better place to live (rent of a full size 2+ bed detached house for less than $500 a month) with some country or mountains around you. Quit trying to keep up with the Joneses it’s not built to be possible.


[deleted] t1_j85684i wrote



Strais t1_j857ii9 wrote

Who are you? Some loser with way to much misplaced personal confidence. You come off like a toddler on a tantrum telling others about doing their mom last night lol.


argv_minus_one t1_j8657z8 wrote

Then how do you get non-horrible Internet access? They don't run fiber out there. They barely even run cell service out there.


argv_minus_one t1_j84wou1 wrote

Reddit: “Is [lack of space in your tiny apartment] a problem for literally anyone cause it sounds made up on the spot.”

Also Reddit: “Fuck cars! Fuck houses! Everyone except the rich should live in high-density housing, own nothing, walk to work, and be happy about it!”


HiCanIPetYourCat t1_j84x5nl wrote

It’s almost like there’s no such thing as Reddit and every single account here is an individual with different opinions


AnBearna t1_j889a9i wrote

But that’s not true entirely. There’s echo chambers on Reddit as much as their is on FB or Twitter, and there’s a reason why people occasionally use the term ‘Reddit Hive Mind’.