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noontch5678 t1_j6zd2c9 wrote


TurtleWitch t1_j70qg2c wrote

I like to prepare for the worst, especially on my hikes


Hmm_would_bang t1_j73ez33 wrote

Me too. That’s why whenever I go for a day hike I bring a gallon of water, a sleeping bag, several days of food, make shift shelter, a sat phone, a water filter, some fire starter, bear mace, a couple flares, a hatchet, a gun, a first aid kit, and most importantly a full change of clothes in case I get wet.

Don’t know why everyone doesn’t do this for every hike they go on


JeffFromSchool t1_j782t9g wrote

Right but if you life in a densely populated area and you're not an outdoorsy person, there isn't really a situation where you're going to need it.

That's like saying you can't plan for emergencies, so you better back that lead anti-radiation suit wherever you go. You know if you're the type of person that needs such a thing or not.


chickenlittle53 t1_j72ouki wrote

They plan emergency responses all the time. Entire jobs are literally designed specifically for it. No one should be doing dangerous shit without planning on what to do during emergencies. There is a huge market surrounded around emergencies for a reason with devices specifically for for a reason. Smart/prudent people do plan for emergencies.