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great_auks t1_j6ov7d8 wrote

is it making the "facts" up or just extracting them from the internet / a dataset?


NorthantsBlokeUK t1_j6oxp5l wrote

It just told me a Jaguar can run at 120mph, so I don't think the facts are real!


tedead t1_j6oysnr wrote

It told me the earth was smaller than the moon and that the human mouth was 2.3 million square feet.

Replace "Fun" with "Wrong" and this would be a little more accurate.


deelyy t1_j6oymel wrote

Some from internet, some made up.

Example of made up fact:

>Fun fact: The only place in the world where you can see two moons at the same time is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The moon Phobos orbits closer to the planet Mars than the moon Deimos orbits closer to Earth.


great_auks t1_j6oyr3f wrote

I'm not sure what the use of a fact bot that makes up facts is