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Beans508 t1_iu7czcu wrote

Yes? It would put his hand near it and get a pain response and pull away. Its a candle not a stove. Lmao


AnnoyedHippo t1_iu7dihu wrote

No. It would put its whole hand into the flame trying to grasp it, harm itself permanently, and be left with still no concept of what fire is or why it's in pain.

Congrats, you permanently burned a child, subjected it to extreme pain, and gained nothing for it.

You need about another decade of maturing before you should be allowed to breed.


LastChanceMCAT t1_iu7efic wrote

He's on reddit, I don't think being "allowed" is the limiting factor here.


AnnoyedHippo t1_iu7jkpz wrote

I introduced my then girlfriend to Reddit. We've been married for 5yrs, and we have 1 son.

There are dozens of us.


Tall-Cantaloupe608 t1_iu7lb5f wrote

A child under the age of 4 is literally incapable of making memories so that is the dumbest you can do you'll scar him and still won't understand


wilderop t1_iu7o7jl wrote

My 2 year old remembers things. I know because after he bumps his head while running he is more careful. However; I would not let a 10 month old touch fire.


Tall-Cantaloupe608 t1_iu7uicm wrote

That's not possible, at the age of 3 and under your brain is not developed enough for that
