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joshsundquist OP t1_iughokx wrote

Reply to comment by KingDadDadDad in Happy Halloween! by joshsundquist

You’d be surprised how many people don’t get that one


Incognito409 t1_iugnd3q wrote

OMG, I laughed out loud at that one, but 2012 is the best - leg lamp! You are so creative and awesome!


Kryds t1_iuh8g4j wrote

It's one of those dad jokes, that just cracks me up.


socool111 t1_iuhq0qn wrote

I’ve been folllwing you for 6 years on Reddit…

Son of a bitch


LunchBox3188 t1_iuhrwa3 wrote

I thought it was a real sign at first. Great costumes, OP!


appleavocado t1_iuhwk4g wrote

There’s a lot of funless assholes out there.

You, sir, are not one of them.


RSpudieD t1_iuje8so wrote

Oh wow I just got that one! I've seen it every year since then but only just now got it!