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justlooking9889 t1_j98u41i wrote

So, you’re including Judaism, Islam, Buddism, Shintoism, Zorasteriansim, the Sikhs, Scientology, Vodoo, and countless (about 4,200) other organized religions? Or did you just mean to say Catholicism?

Edit: Hey downvoters remember not to let inconvenient things like facts get in the way of what you feel is true.

If you all feel so strongly about it, I suggest you go visit all the different churches, mosques and temples in your town and save the kids. I’m sure your efforts will be much appreciated.

Here’s a list of world religions. Go through the list and give an example of how each one is guilty:


denn23rus t1_j9974sd wrote

basically those religions where priests are forbidden to have wives.


smithm3254 t1_j98wsf3 wrote

Yes all of the above. You’re the one naming Catholicism. That should be very telling about your question.


sin-and-love t1_j98uir4 wrote

Ever notice how anyone who calls themselves a "freethinker"' is in fact the most dogmatic person in the room?


Technicolor_Reindeer t1_j997b19 wrote

I'm sure you wish that was the case.


sin-and-love t1_j999r2k wrote

My personal experience has shown it to be the case. It's like how "I'm not like you sheep, I don't trust the mainstream news outlets." is always followed by "But listen to this guy scream about gay frogs."